Saturday, January 27, 2024

Share Four Somethings: January

I'm linking up with Jennifer for Share 4 Somethings! We're sharing things we've LOVED, ACCOMPLISHED, IMPROVED UPON, and NOTICED this month.


  • Cowboy Church on Thursdays
  • having Rod home for the past two weeks
  • watching Titus enjoy junior high baseball practice
  • seeing Zoey's personality just shine out

  • the kids helped me clean out a few of or kitchen cabinets, and I got rid of a few things I no longer needed
  • consistency with tot school for Zoey and kindergarten with Zeke, even when the kids and Rod have been home
  • wiped down my car's interior after all the mud and snow (still need to vacuum it out)
  • reading my Bible and working through Search the Scriptures

- I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for Cowboy Church -
  • since Zoey's been born, I've had a brain fog like I've never had - but I feel like the fog is slowly lifting, so I've been more organized and less forgetful lately
  • the house has been staying a bit cleaner since I've started rotating the kids with an evening chore - one sweeps, one mops, one washes dishes, and it helps me tremendously

  • I'm trying to notice the beauty around me more often, like a sunset or the color of the sky against the leaves
  • lots of cardinals and doves around
  • everyone is always on their phones - nobody knows how to just wait without scrolling anymore - even the old men in the barber shop this morning were just mindlessly scolling social media - my kids and I were the only ones not on the phone while waiting

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It's so nice that you have all of your kids helping you out with different chores in your house. Thanks for the blog visit and I hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. I definitely couldn't do it without my kid's help!

  2. I try to carry a book with me so I'm not mindless scrolling my phone while waiting but I definitely will if I'm caught without a book at hand... I've noticed this tendency of everyone's too!

    1. It's so easy to scroll like that - I've been making a conscious effort NOT to, and that's how I've noticed that everyone is always on their phones!

  3. I loved reading your post! Way to go on all that you've accomplished and improved upon this month. That's amazing! I have noticed that about phones too, and though I do get on my own sometimes, I try to instead pick up my book (Kindle) and read. I've been trying to be more mindful of spare time, because I want to read more this year. I've tried to be on social media way less. I hope you're enjoying your weekend! Thanks for linking up today!

    1. Yes I’ve also been trying to be mindful of how I spend my idle time. I would love for it to be more productive than wasteful that’s for sure!

  4. It's hard to make the kiddos do the chores, but it is so helpful! Glad you have noticed the brain fog lifting, that is hard to deal with as well. Have a great week!

    1. Yes I’m so glad the Brian fog seems to be lifting!!

  5. Ah yes, I am one of those people that waits by checking in with people on FB or Insta. At DisneySea, to save my battery, I had to wait, 2 hours at a time, just standing (like the old days) and it is interestingly relaxing in someways (tho also annoying as you notice how slow the line is - ha!). I sort of think I need to try to do it more....#ShareFourSomethings

    1. It’s definitely something I’ve been more aware of - and guilty of for sure!! But I’m trying to teach my kids to wait… it helps that only my 16 year old has a phone!

  6. I really do not get the obsession with mindless scrolling. I notice the cars around soon as the car comes to a stop (at a light, etc), folks pick up their phone. I know....I sound old. But, I don't get it. Hooray for the lifting brain fog!!

    1. I have noticed that too! People even driving while looking at their phones, it’s become such an addition for people.

  7. You've accomplished a lot. Way to go! What a treasure having the kids help and spending time together.
    Visiting today from Jennifer's
