Friday, January 12, 2024

Weekly Highlights

This week was the week we tried to get back into our routines! The kids went back to school Monday, Rod went back to work on Wednesday, and I started kindergarten and tot school back with Zeke and Zoey.


I got the kids off to school and then Zeke and I buckled down with his kindergarten work and Zoey did some tot school. When we got finished, Rod and I took the two little ones to town with us while we ran some errands. Titus had baseball practice that evening, and Rod took him. It was cold and windy so we didn't log any hours for the 1000 Hours Outside challenge.


I had a WMM (Women's Missions and Ministry) associational meeting at 10:00 at my mom's church. They fed us soup and bread, and our speaker was from Life Choices Pregnancy Center. She talked about all of the different ministries and resources they provide for pregnant women, families, and children. It was really interesting! I started feeling sick toward the end of the meeting, and by the time I got home I had body aches and chills so bad I could barely walk through the door. I could not warm up, even with three blankets on top of me! I didn't sleep well, but I took some Tylenol/Advil Dual Action which helped with the body aches. I got in bed at 6:00 and was asleep by 7:30!

- Zoey was checking her temperature too -


I woke up still feeling pretty bad, but better than the day before. Zeke and I managed to do his kindergarten work from today and Tuesday. Zoey did most of her tot school from the past two days, too. 

Zeke started running fever and feeling pretty puny. I gave him some tylenol and he watched a few episodes of Phineas and Ferb.

Then I got a call that Titus was sick at school! My dad went and picked him up for me since Zeke and I were sick, too. He came home and crawled in my bed (why is mom’s bed always better when you’re sick?) and slept for four hours! My mother in law brought dinner by since we weren’t going to church (we eat on Wednesday nights). Zeke and Zoey fell asleep at 7:30, and I was snoozing by 8:30! 


Titus woke up feeling sick and with fever. Silas woke up with no fever but didn’t feel well. Zeke woke up with high fever and slept most of the morning. I made us all a doctors appointment for early afternoon. 

Zeke tested positive for Flu type A, and Titus had fever and symptoms but tested negative. The doctor said he probably had it, too. I got a shot for my “coarse” lungs and fluid behind my ears. Hopefully we all get better very soon! 

We had a parent meeting for Titus’s junior high baseball team, and my mother in law sat with the little ones while I ran to that. I went early to Walmart to pick up medicine and groceries. We’re expecting really cold weather (for us) early next week so I don’t want to be out of anything!


I woke up early this morning very nauseous and sick. I plan to stay home today and rest! Rod will be home tonight, and I am going to cook some homemade soup for supper. 

How was your week? 

Link up any of your posts from this week below! It’s slow going, but I’m determined to make this a great link up!


  1. I hate to hear that you're all so sick! Prayers for all of you to feel better ASAP so that you can enjoy your weekend. We're getting that arctic blast as well, starting tomorrow and ending with snow on Monday.

    1. We’re actually going to get snow here in Louisiana! I’m dreading it because last time we got ice and snow we were without power for four days.

  2. Sweetie, sickness in the house is never fun! I will pray everybody feels better. Here in Indiana we are expected to get 8 inches. I certainly hope you do not lose power down there! Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks for your prayers! Eight inches - wow! We actually lost power this morning due to storms. Waiting for it to come back on!

  3. Oh my goodness, I hope this weekend is a restful and healing one for you and your family.

    1. Thank you so much! I’m hoping to rest the entire weekend and heal.

  4. Wishing you all speedy recoveries! Sending you healing thoughts :)

  5. Oh no! I hope you are all feeling better!

  6. Thank you for linking up! And for hosting

  7. I'm sorry to hear that you are all feeling so grim and send wishes that you are all on the road to a speedy recovery. Yes, Mom's bed is definitely the place to be when you don't feel well.

    1. Thank you! We are all so much better today, thankfully!!

  8. Yikes I hope when you read this comment you all are better! Take care, and thanks for sharing with SSPS, I appreciate it!

  9. Goodness - hope everyone is feeling better, if not 100 percent, by now!! PS - Mom's bed is ALWAYS the best!!:)

  10. I hope that by now you are all feeling better. Take it easy and lots of rest. Thank you for sharing your weekly highlights with us at The Crazy Little Love Birds link party #20. I hope you will join us again soon.
