Saturday, July 18, 2020

Homeschool Highlights 7/13/20 - 7/17/20

Our time in Texas has almost come to an end. Rod thinks we will be heading home by the end of next week! We are all ready to get back to our house and our normal routines. Living in the camper is not easy with five kids and two adults! (Mikaela stayed home this time because she has a job.) Zeke has decided he HATES showers and there's not a bathtub in this camper. So that's turned into a fun time of day! Not.

Titus completed his second week of My Father's World Adventures in U.S. History. We are really loving this curriculum. I'll break down what he did in each subject briefly.

History - We read about Christopher Columbus and some Spanish settlers who traveled by ship. He made a notebooking page about Columbus and narrated back to me what I read aloud to him each day.

Science - We learned about science experiments and did a quick demonstration on air. He and Silas each had a piece of paper and they had to fan it with cardboard to get it to move. The paper "raced" to see who could reach the finish line first.

Bible - We learned about Jesus and started making our "Names of Jesus" poster. He read from the NIRV Bible, which is a great translation for young kids. It's written at an end-of-second grade level.

Math - He is flying through Singapore 1B, which is mostly review right now. He's been working on place value and adding and subtracting two digit numbers. He does anywhere from 4-10 pages a day. We're trying to get to the multiplication section so we can work on that before beginning 2A.

Language Arts - He learned how to put words in alphabetical order (simple sets like, dog, apple, cat). He also had an introduction to contractions. We do Language Arts three times a week.

Cursive - He is learning the beginning strokes of cursive and will start learning letters next week.

Art - The art book provided by MFW is excellent. Titus loves it! He is learning how to draw simple but cute people with "hot dog" feet right now.

Zeke used the book unit "Birds" from the Explore With Books series I'm writing. The book we read is called "Birds" by Kevin Henkes. Here is a quick breakdown of what we did each day.

Monday - Bird Feather Matching: I put colored bird feathers in a colander and Zeke had to pull the feathers out and match them to the bird cards.

Tuesday - Bird Size Sorting - I had big and small bird cards he had to sort by size. He did a great job! We learned the words "big" and "small."

Wednesday - Egg Counting - Zeke had to put the eggs (glass beads) onto each nest counting card. We used the cards 1-3 and he did a really good job. Then he had to transfer one egg (white pom poms) into each section of the tray to work on counting and one-to-one correspondence. He did this and then he used the beads for this!

Thursday - Sensory Tray - I used brown shredded paper for the nest and cut up pipe-cleaners for the worms. Zeke used his magnetic wand to find the worms in the nest. We also sorted them by color.

Friday - Playdough Tinker Tray - I made Zeke a tray with playdough, brown shredded paper, pipe-cleaner worms, glass beads, twigs, and feathers. He made a "nest." He loves the playdough tinker trays I set up for him!

The "Birds" Explore With Books unit is available in my Etsy shop - link in sidebar. You can buy the PDF for $5.00 or the complete physical kit with every needed supply for $20.00.

Here are a few random shots from the week:

How was your week?


  1. Looks like you had a fun week. I like that bird lesson you did with Zeke. My Matthew would have fun with it too. I will have to check out your Etsy shop.We use MFW as our core curriculum. We have had it for years and just love it.

    God's Blessings,

    1. Thank you! We had fun with the Birds unit. MFW is a great curriculum!

  2. You have some great activities for you little one! I can't wait to read your MFW review when it goes live. It seems like a great program.

    1. Thank you! I love doing Tot School with Zeke. We are loving MFW and I have a feeling the review will be lengthy!

  3. I love the bird feather activity! And it sounds like MFW is a good fit so far.

    1. He loved it, too! I'll have to repeat it for him. MFW is a great fit for Titus. He used the Kindergarten and 1st grade programs, as well.

  4. I just love all your sensory tray ideas! So fun and so creative. We are beginning to gear up for the start of the school year (probably at the end of next month) and trying to get Alec's high school plans finalized as it looks like he'll be attending an actual school (still not sure how I feel about that one!).

    1. I understand! Public school is so uncertain right now in our state as we may be going back to Phase One soon.
