My 10 year old son, Eli, was blessed to receive the Faith Builder's Bible by Zonderkidz to review. He was so excited to get this in the mail and started using it right away!
This Bible is absolutely wonderful! First of all, it is the New International Readers Version, which a very readable and understandable translation - perfect for children! I enjoyed the translation so much, I used this Bible for our daily Bible reading many times! Here is an example of a verse:
"No one lights a lamp and hides it. No one puts it under a bowl. Instead, they put a lamp on its stand. Then those who come in can see the light." Luke 11:33
The font is a very nice size - not large print, but big enough for little eyes to read without strain and without losing their place.
There are 24 full-color pages in this Bible, illustrating a Bible story or concept with building bricks {Legos}, and a short summary. There is a "Building Block Verse" at the bottom of each of these pages corresponding with the picture.

My son had a blast "building" Bible stories. He is a Lego-lover, and we have thousands of Legos! It's so funny, but he had never thought to build Bible stories and characters! Once he got started though, he had so much fun. In fact, we all got in on the action! Eli and I build the Fruits of the Spirit together, and while he wasn't laughing at my attempts to create the fruit, we had a great time.
Eli recreated David and Goliath, complete with some Israelite soldiers. We took the characters outside and set them up in the dirt and gravel. It was a lot of fun, and it felt more "real".
We also built the "ABC's of Salvation". I love how the page has an explanation of each letter - "A - Admit; B - Believe; C- Confess". There are also extra scripture verses to look up for each letter.
One of Eli's favorite features in this Faith Builder's Bible is the "Great Bible Stories" in the very back of the Bible. This is a chronological list of 92 well-known Bible stories and passages of scripture. He enjoyed reading through these.
Also in this Bible is a dictionary with many words that may be unfamiliar to children. The definitions are very understandable. Here is an example:
Nazirite: a person who was set apart to God in a special way. Or, a person who promised to do something special for God. They were not allowed to cut their hair, drink any wine or grape juice, eat grapes or raisins, or touch a dead body.
There are no building instructions in this Bible; there are only pictures to go by. This is nice, as it helps to stimulate creativity as your child builds. However, some of the pictures were a little confusing {like the fruits!} and it would have been nice to have a little direction. Some of the illustrations are very simple to create - the cross and the ABC's of salvation - while others can be quite complex - like the Tabernacle and Samson's Demolition. However, for creative children, these pictures are just the stepping stones they need to recreate the stories. Also, it's nice that you don't have to have certain bricks to build the stories - we substituted what we had for the bricks we didn't have {or couldn't find} and the Lego creations were still awesome to look at and fun to play with.

I asked Eli to give his review, and this is what he had to say:
"I like this Bible because it is easy to understand. In the beginning, there is a picture of all the books of the Bible built with Legos and it helps me to memorize them. It is very fun to build the Bible stories and even after you're done looking at all the pages, you can look in the back where it lists the Great Bible Stories and try to build all of those. I also like reading the Building Block verses and try to memorize them."
Here are a few more pictures of some of the Bible stories Eli built.
{Noah's Ark on the Left; Tower of Babel on the Right}
This Faith Builder's Bible would make a wonderful Easter gift for the child in your life who loves to build with Legos! Check out the Zonderkidz products available for some more great gift ideas!
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