I love Bible studies, so when I was offered the chance to review two Bible studies from Julie Naturally, I was ecstatic. I received the digital copies of Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Philippians and Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans Bundle.
The Romans Bible study is about eight weeks long, covering around two chapters of Romans a week. Each day only has three to five questions pertaining to the scripture reading which makes this very doable for busy moms! There is a fun coloring page at the end of each week's lesson to appeal to your creative nature. She has also included beautiful scripture memory cards that you can print out and hang around your house to help your memorize God's Word. The Romans study includes access to eight short videos that will enhance your Bible study. These videos are pretty short and easy to watch. This entire bundle is only $14.99!
The Philippians study is a shorter study at four weeks long and covers one chapter of Philippians each week. There are four printable memory verse cards with this study and coloring pages at the end of each week's study. This study is only $8.49!
I decided to work through the Philippians study first. I really love the format of this Bible study. The daily readings are very manageable and the questions are thought-provoking and rooted in scripture. She explains the context very well and shows how it applies to our lives. The questions really have you examining your life, especially as a Christian, and motivate you to live a life pleasing to God. The lesson on growing weary while doing good works really resonated with me. It's easy to lose sight of why you're serving and ministering sometimes, but this study helped me to see that growing weary is normal, but I need to press though that and continue working for the kingdom of God.
If you're looking for a women's Bible study that you can complete in 20 minutes a day, look no further! These are really great studies that are scripturally sound. Click the banner below to see what other reviewers thought about these studies from Julie Naturally.
It sounds a nice Bible study program at a reasonable price. Nice review.