The Hidden Message explores our national seal and the message our founding fathers were trying to convey through it. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Charles Thomson designed the national seal in 1776, the same year the Declaration of Independence was written.
- Introduction
- Time Capsule
- The Significance of the Seal
- Setting the Stage
- A Tale of Two Systems
- Studying the Seal
- How Could it Have Been Hidden So Long?
- Charles Thomson
- Francis Hopkinson
- The Pyramid
- Annuit Coeptis
- Novus Ordo Secorlum
- The Eye
- The Early Designs, Part One
- Early Designs, Part Two
- The Covenant
- The Front of the Seal
- The Four Pillars
- Virtue
- Freedom
- Providence
- Unity
- Unexpected Connections
- Conclusion
As you can see from some of the chapter titles, this book covers some very fascinating and unusual topics! The book opens up with an introduction to the national seal and why it is significant to our country. He explains how and why he began studying the seal, and then he jumps right into history with a chapter on Charles Thomson followed by one on Francis Hopkinson. I had not heard of Thomson, and this chapter started with his early life as a boy immigrating to America and ending with his role as "keeper of the seal". I also learned the Hopkinson designed the nation's flag and had an influence on the design of the seal.
The chapters "The Pyramid" and "The Eye" were extremely interesting to read. Michael Kanis debunks some theories about the seal, including the belief that the pyramid and the eye on the seal and dollar bills were adopted from the Freemasons or were connected with ancient Egyptian mythology. He includes documents and quotes from the designers of the seal indicating their meaning and inclusion on the seal. I really enjoyed reading the quotes from people such as this one from Thomas Jefferson, "We in America do not have government by the majority - we have government by the majority who participate...All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
He also has a chapter on an "unusual connection" he found with the seal's images - the Bible and the oratorio Messiah composed by Handel. This chapter is fascinating to read and to see the connections to the Bible and the founding of our nation!
Michael Kanis's concludes that the hidden message of the seal is virtue, freedom, providence, and unity. He also includes a completely accurate representation of the United States seal, drawn by Matthew Nemecek according the congressional report with the description of the seal.
This book is very high quality. The pages are thick and glossy and the pictures are clear and bright. There are many charts that break down information and compare and contrast ideas. I am a visual learner, so these charts really helped me. For example, he has chart titled "Values versus Virtues" on page 196 that details the differences in values and virtues. He also includes tons of bright, colorful images of the seal, draft designs of the seal, original documents, paintings, and portraits. His book is easy to read, full of history and information in a very organized manner. It really challenged me to think and study about things that I don't normally give much thought. If you are interested in the beginning of our nation, the national seal, and history, you will love this book. Michael Kanis is offering it for 50% off if you buy it from his website. The book is normally $29.95, but you can buy it using the coupon code for about $15! This is a really great deal.

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