This week was a pretty busy week for us. We had several doctor's appointments because Titus, Silas, Mikaela, and Zeke have been sick. Titus has been the sickest, but I think he's on the mend. If I haven't commented on your blog yet from last week's linkup, I am sorry! We had a really busy few days taking care of sick kids.
Eli had a baseball scrimmage on Sunday, and Mikaela had three softball games this week. Eli also has play-off basketball game tonight!
Zeke got his first haircut last Friday! I hated to cut the curls, but it needed some shaping up. Rod's aunt comes to our house to give us haircuts.

We learned about Peru in geography. We stamped our passports, filled out the country fact sheet, colored the flag sheet, and read some interesting facts about Peru.
(7 year old)
We made these really pretty watercolor llamas. I'll post about how we did these in a few days. The kids were very impressed with how well they turned out!
We also made Peruvian panpipes using straws, tape, and cardstock. This was a fun project to do! And the panpipes actually work!

A couple in our church were missionaries to Peru for years. They loaned us a bag full of items from Peru! The kids had a blast examining all of the authentic Peruvian items! It was super nice of them to loan us all of this cool stuff.
Here are the only books our library had on Peru, but they had some good information in them.
In science we explored the world of ants this week! The first thing we did was make an ant farm. We had some really large ant beds in our yard, so this was super easy to do. I took a big glass jar and placed smaller plastic jar inside. The kids ran outside with a plastic cup and dumped several cups of the ant bed in the jar, then they shut the lid. We put a slice of apple in the jar, and the ants have been eating it. It's fun to see how the ants make tunnels!
We also drew pictures of ant tunnels and of the different members of an ant colony. We read about their lifecycles and drew them. They also made an acronym for "ants" using information they've learned.
(12 year old)
(12 year old)
(9 year old)
(7 year old)
(9 year old)
Here are the books we read about ants.
We read the rest of Genesis and began in Exodus. We are still working on memorizing Psalm 23. The kids are plowing through math and language arts! Mercie had a fun project in math this week. She had to make a store with several items and price them. Then she made coupons for the kids and they had to buy things and decide which coupons would be the better bargain. She said it was much more fun than she thought it would be!
She is still reading "Island of the Blue Dolphins" and completing the novel study. Silas is reading "A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning" and working on a novel study. I found these studies on and I really like them! They are pretty long but have so many great components to them. I let the kids read the chapter(s) and then take two days to work on the accompanying worksheets. It's taking a little while to finish the books, and I won't do this for every book they read, but it's something that would be good to do a few times a school year.
Random shots from the week:
Mercie made Puppy Chow for us this week. It's super easy to make and the kids love having it for a snack.
Zeke wants to do everything the big kids do.
Silas wrote and illustrated this book. It is so cute!
Mercie read aloud to the boys while I put Zeke down for a nap.
Titus's handwriting is getting better!
Mercie pushing Zeke at the park.
He loved the swing!
Titus had to get a new baseball glove this year. He's moving up to a new league!
I also wanted to say thanks to Kym for allowing me to take over the link-up!! This is the last week of co-hosting, so next week come back here to link up.
Link up your homeschool posts from this week! Anything homeschool-related is welcome. Please visit some other links and give some comment love! And please add my button to your post linking back here. Thanks!