What is Educeri? How does it work?
Educeri is an online subscription service that provides access to hundreds of lessons in all subject areas. The lessons are categorized by grade level {PreK to High School} and subject. The different subject areas are:
- Math
- Science
- English Language Arts
- History
- Art
- P.E.
- Music
- Spanish
- English Language Development
- Other Resources

I will walk you through an example lesson for Kindergarten, "Use Clocks to Tell Time". There is a student-handout that you can print out for your child. This will give your child the extra practice and hands-on element so he will understand the lesson.
This is actually a 3-page set. The pages are basically the same with different times.
This is a 19 page lesson. Each page has text that you will read to your child. When you click the page, the answers will show up in red. Be sure to give your child time to answer the questions before clicking!
The lesson pages are almost identical to the student handout.
At the end of the lesson, there is a chart with Cognitive, Teaching and English Learner Strategies. I'm assuming this for Common Core purposes, as the lessons are Common Core aligned. It is helpful, though, to see which strategies are being taught and learned with each lesson. This is an option that I'm sure many teachers have to have and use in the classroom.
What do we think of Educeri?
I used Educeri with several of my children. My middle school children went through a lesson on the Bill of Rights. It was very interesting, as I sat with them and read the lesson to them. I learned so much from the lesson! We would read each Amendment, and then we would read it in easy-to-understand words. Next, we would answer questions about the rights granted to us in the amendment. My oldest daughter really enjoyed this lesson and has remembered a great deal from it. We didn't use any print-outs because we did it orally.
I like many of the aspects of Educeri. There truly is a diversity of topics available. Most of the lessons fall under the Language Arts and Math categories. There are very few lessons in the science, history, art, and music categories, especially for the younger grades, which is a disappointment. I do like the way the lessons are presented. Older children can absolutely complete the lessons independently, while younger children will need a parent or teacher to help them. I can totally see having my older children use some of the math lessons to help with difficult concepts, as math is not my best subject!
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