Saturday, May 13, 2023

Week in Review: Senior Banquet and 4H Party


We had our last 4H meeting for this school year today. We met in the park and had cake and snacks while the kids played. It was nice to visit with everyone! We only take two months off for summer, so we will meet again in August.

Titus had his second piano lesson this afternoon. One of our friends who happens to be our retired pastor's wife is giving him lessons now. I'm really excited to see how well he does. He loves to sing and is always singing something! Zoey and I played in the nursery during his lesson. 

I worked on my Bucilla stocking kit for a while before going to sleep. It's slow going, but I love seeing the progress!


Titus woke up with a sore throat again. When I checked it with a flashlight, it was really red with more pus pockets. Back to the doctor! His strep test was negative, but the doctor said it looks like strep again to her. She prescribed him some different antibiotics to hopefully take care of it this time. I'm a little worried because this is how Mercie started before her tonsillectomy - she had strep eight times in seven months. 

My mom came and visited and played with Zoey while I worked on the stocking again. 

Titus had a baseball game tonight! They won 5-3.


Silas and Titus both finished their math today, so they're officially done with homeschool for this school year! You know me though - I'll have their Summer Learning Binders ready and waiting in June.

We had our last Team Kid of the year. I made two pans of lasagna, corn on the cob, and garlic bread and I had ice cream for dessert. The kids played outside and then played a game where they put the books of the Bible in order. It will be nice for a few weeks off until the Wednesday night summer program Code Breakers begins!


We ran to town early to grab a few things from the store and check the mail. It rained most of the day. I worked on the stocking and played with the kids. 

Eli had his Senior Banquet tonight, and Rod and I went with him. It is such a bittersweet feeling to have him graduate. Seeing him with all of his friends and watching the slideshow which showed their childhood pictures and senior pictures - definitely a tearjerker event.

Eli finished his first shadow box with arrowheads he has found! It looks amazing. He has been arrowhead hunting for a few years now and has found some real gems. We live near Poverty Point which is a world heritage site so there were Native Americans living where we live now. 


I have been working on Eli's graduation party decorations, and I'll probably head up to the church in a bit to start setting things up. His party is next Wednesday, but I like to be ahead of things.

Zeke and I made a bird feeder for his Sunday school teacher for Mother’s Day. It was super easy! We are going to pair it with a bag of birdseed. 

Baseball games were cancelled due to rain, and the kids are just hanging out outside doing chores today. This next week is going to be busy, so I'm going to try to rest today.

How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. Ugh; that's how my oldest son was with strep throat and his tonsillectomy (though he often had zero signs of strep until he broke out in scarlet fever). Though our doctor told me the rule of thumb is 3 cases of strep in 1 calendar year and they should be taken out-- which I tried to push back on.. until Ian began having problems swallowing and choking since his last case of strep was so bad his tonsils swelled up. I hope the medicine works and no more strep for years!!

    Other than that it sounds like you had a great week! Congrats to your son; I bet that slide show was so bittersweet.
