Saturday, May 6, 2023

Week in Review: Rodeo, Doctor Visits, and Projects

We have had a busy few weeks with doctor's appointments, church, and Eli's senior activities. This week was busy as well, and I'm not looking at slowing down until mid-June!


I had to take Mercie to the doctor Monday morning because she got into poison oak over the weekend. Monday she woke up with really swollen eyes and a terrible rash all over her arms. She got a shot and some steroids to take with steroid cream. She is still fighting the rash on her arms, but her face and eyes are back to normal. The boys skipped math today and instead worked outside in the garden and around the farm.
Isn't our driveway beautiful?

I also finished a punch-needle embroidery kit my sister got me for my birthday. This was so incredibly fun and easy! 


Zeke woke up with fever and a really sore throat. Eli and Titus both had strep throat last week, so I figured that's what it was. Back to the doctor! Sure enough, he had a terrible case of strep. He got a shot and some antibiotics prescribed. He's feeling much better thankfully. 
When Zeke naps, you know he doesn't fell well.

Titus had a baseball game but I couldn't take Zeke since he was not only contagious but feeling pretty rough. My mother-in-law took him for me and we stayed home and rested. 


We stayed home to let Zeke rest and get better. We didn't even go to church for Team Kid (which I'm the director of) and I had another lady cook for the kids. I worked on my cross-stitch project for a little bit. Having a baby makes my cross-stitch projects take forever but I'm determined to finish this one up in May!

It's going to say "Bless this Home." My purple s is a little wonky, but it's going to be outlined so I think it will look okay.


We went to Mikaela's house Thursday morning to help her put together a TV stand she bought. We had a few errands in town to run as well. I came home and worked on Eli's high school scrapbook for a little while. I made one for Mikaela when she graduated, and now I'm locked in to make one for each of my kids! It's fun to work on, but again, with a baby it complicates how and when I can. I simply add pictures, stickers, washi tape, and words to colored cardstock, then stick them in page protectors in a three-ring binder. Super easy! I've got about four or five pages for each year beginning with 7th grade.
I keep it simple, but it's so much fun to work on.


I started working on Mikenna's (that's the baby girl Mikaela is having in October) Bucilla Christmas stocking today. This is my first one! My mom made these for my sisters and I and then for our kids. Now that I'm having grandkids, my mom is passing the tradition on to me. It's very overwhelming at first, but now that I've gotten a nice little start, I'm enjoying it. I don't like having too many projects going at once, so I'm a little stressed with the cross-stitch, stocking, and scrapbook projects being unfinished. 
I didn't realize how much time this was going to take.

The first night of the annual Outlaw Rodeo was tonight. Mercie is on the Flag Team this year, and they performed their routine to the song "Mr. Red, White, and Blue." They did a fantastic job! She was so excited she got a spot on the team this year. She is the second youngest member.

She also ran the barrels and made her best run yet in our hometown arena. She ran an 18.2 and placed sixth for the night. She loves barrel racing, and it's so fun to see her run them! We didn't get home until after 10:00. I have no idea how Zoey stayed awake for the entire rodeo, but she did. 


I worked on the stocking some more this morning and tried to keep the house clean. With the kids and Rod going in and out, the floors stay pretty dirty. I think I swept and mopped three times before I decided to wait until tonight to clean them again!

Zeke, Zoey, and I went on a buggy ride with Rod to check cows and look at the pond we had dug this week. They haven't finished it yet, but the majority of it is completed. I can't wait until it's full of water and we stock it with fish! I'm also getting a pedal boat for the kids and me to pedal around the pond in. 

The second night of the rodeo is tonight, but I'm staying home with the little two. Rod is working the gate, and a few of my kids are working in the concession stand. Mercie isn't running the barrels tonight, but they're doing the flag routine again. It's so hot and humid today, I'm dreading summer already.

I'm also looking into homeschool curriculum and making some decisions on that. We're part of a new co-op that is starting up about 50 miles from our house, so I've also been working on a class syllabus. I'll be teaching a geography class using the book Global Art as a base. We had this book from our year with My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures. I'm going to have 10 minutes for geography overview of each country, including map work, and 30 minutes for the art project each week.

How was your week? As busy as mine?


  1. No, our weeks are rarely that busy! So sorry to hear you had to run to the doctor 2 days in a row-- if I remember correctly they aren't all that close to you either, right? Glad everyone is on the mend though. That stocking is already turning out so cute! I made one for each of us so I know how time consuming they can be.

    1. Our family doctor, luckily, is about fifteen miles away in "town". Specialists, such as my OB/GYN and Silas's dermatologist, are a good hour and a half away from here. I love Bucilla stockings! I'd be glad for any tips on creating them.
