
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Dragonfly Magnets (100 Days of Art Day 12)

We are studying dragonflies in science this week and have learned so many interesting things about them! Did you know that a dragonfly can fly up to 35 miles an hour? I saw a really cute dragonfly craft on Pinterest and decided to recreate it my own way.

All you need for this project is:
craft sticks
packing tape
googly eyes
plastic gems
white glue

The first thing to do is tear off a piece of packing tape about 8 or 9 inches long and then fold it in half, sticky side in. These will the wings for the dragonfly since their wings are mostly transparent.
Next we drew the outline of a dragonflies wing on one of them. We then put the others on top of that one and traced it so they would all be about the same size.
Then we used Sharpies to draw the veins of the dragonfly's wings. (These veins provide support for the dragonfly's wings so they can fly so fast and perform many mid-air tricks, like hovering and flying backwards and even upside down!)
The kids colored a few portions of the wings in different colors and then cut out and glued the wings to the craft stick.
We added jewels and big googly eyes to complete the dragonfly! Dragonflies have the largest eyes of any insect, which is why we used big googly eyes! Of course, they have compound eyes with thousands of lenses, but the googly eyes will have to do for this craft.
We added magnets to the back so we can hang these on the refrigerator!

(Titus age 7)

(Silas age 9)

(Mercie age 12)
They look beautiful held up to the light! It is a rainy, cloudy day here which is why our lighting is terrible.

Here are two books we read about dragonflies!
Check out our other projects in my 100 Days of Art Challenge!
February Homeschool Round UP {Homeschool Collection}


  1. oh neat! Dragonflies! I just finished watching a youtube video about dragonflies, such fascinating insects.

  2. Totally love this idea!! We have a ton of dragonflies on our property, now we can have a craft too!!
