Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Favorites: 4th of July

We had a fairly easy week this week - a nice change from being so busy last month. Monday, I went to visit Mikenna and Daniel a bit before they went to my mom's house for a sleepover. 

Tuesday, we stayed home all day - that's a definite favorite! 

Wednesday, we met Mikaela and the kids at lunch for pizza - another favorite, especially for Zeke and Zoey. We also went to the store and got everything we needed for the Fourth. Daniel came home with us for a few hours to play. 

Thursday, we went down to our pond and grilled burgers, sausage, and hot dogs. I also had chips, baked beans, a fruit tray with pineapple, oranges, apples, grapes, and strawberries. I made cookies, too - peanut butter cookies with a Hershey kiss on top and some red, white, and blue sugar cookies. 

We invited our friends and neighbors, Kasey and Matt, with their three kids; my sister, Ashlie, and three of her kids; my brother-in-law and his wife, Cole and Abby, with their two kids; Mikaela and her two kids; my parents; and Mercie's boyfriend and his dad. Almost everyone swam in the pond, including me! (Zoey hated the pond, so my mom sat with her and Mikenna in the shade.) We had a blast - and I got sunburned! We stayed in the water close to three hours. It was 95 degrees and HOT. I'm so thankful for friends and family that I enjoy spending time with. It was my favorite part of the week, and one of my top days of the year so far.


  1. Your 4th of July sounds nice- that´s quite a crowd you made food for and had over. The cookies are cute! How great that you have a pond that everyone enjoyed to beat the heat. Have a great rest of your weekend!

    1. Thanks!! We just built the pond last summer, so it’s fairly new. It’s an acre - the perfect size in my opinion. We also stocked it with fish this spring!

  2. An easy week sounds like a good week. What a lovely time you have been having. Those cookies are so cute.

    1. They were so easy to make, too! Everyone loved them.

  3. So nice to invite neighbors and friends to join the family fun! I love hearing it was a highlight of the year, in spite of the heat. Hope y'all stay cool today!

    1. Staying cool in the summer is not an option in Louisiana - but I wish it were! I guess we’re so used to it, we don’t expect anything different.

  4. Looks like such a fun week! Those sugar cookies are super cute!

  5. That sounds like such a wonderful and delicious day by the pond! A day filled with friends and family is always wonderful.

    1. Agreed!! I really need to get together with my friends and family more often. It was so refreshing!

  6. Looks like a grand Fourth!! Minus the sunburn:( Glad you had a good's to all the summer fun continuning. I love summer:)

    1. We did have a wonderful day! I’m really not a summer person - I love fall and winter!
