Monday, August 1, 2022

Blogging From A to Z: June and July 2022

July went by just as quickly as June did! The summer break is almost over, and our new school year will be starting in a few weeks. For the letter "J" this week, I am going to do a recap in pictures with a few words of how June and July went for us! These are in no particular order, by the way.

These hot summer days are wearing Zeke out!

Zoey May!

Silas turned 12.

Playing Minecraft

Lots of Uno with Zeke

Ice creams with Daniel

Zeke and Daniel in the church nursery

Reading lots of library books

Mercie had a barrel race in a small rodeo

Bowling for Eli's birthday

Titus had a belt test and moved up to orange

Titus moved from yellow to orange belt

He got a compound bow for his birthday

I also got him this belt display

His cake!

Waffle House

Swimming at the neighbor's

Lots of side-by-side rides

A big barrel run with 126 runners

Free movie!


Canning zuchinni pickles and squash

Independence Day cake


Fun experiments

More side-by-side rides

Free movie

His new face for pictures - we ate at his favorite place - PIZZA

Waiting for his speech therapist

Gears, gears, gears

Mercie worked with Dakota

Eli turned 17

31 weeks pregnant

My mom turned 60