
Friday, June 24, 2022

Week in Review - Birthday, Heat Advisory, and Rodeo


Mercie had another rodeo today. She didn't have her best run, but her time wasn't bad at all - 19.8 (it was a bigger pattern than last time). They knocked a barrel over, so that added 5 seconds to her time so she didn't place at all. After the barrel run, she went with a friend to the Play Day in our town. She got to run barrels, run poles, and do the flags. She placed first in her division (13-17 years old) and won $21. 

Mercie has been working with Dakota, the colt born a few months ago.


I woke up and made a big breakfast (I do this every Sunday for Rod as it's his only day home each week). I also prepped lunch for after church. I made Cornbread Casserole and black eyed peas with bacon, Rod's favorite meal. We also had cake and ice cream for Silas's 12th birthday which is Tuesday. Rod bought Silas a left-handed gun for his birthday. Silas loves to hunt, but we don't have any left-handed guns so it's always awkward for him to shoot. Rod has been looking for one and finally found the perfect gun. He shot his gun after church and is very accurate with it! We watched Old Yeller before going to bed.

Bull riding cake for my bull rider


Today we stayed home all day, which was nice. We woke up early and weeded around the rosebushes I planted by my back porch before the wasps came out. Then Titus spread some more dirt around them and he and Silas watered the garden. We played inside and outside since it's so hot outside. Eli had to work, but he and his friend came home for lunch. Mercie fried chicken, and I made macaroni and cheese and heated up the leftover peas from yesterday. It was so good!

Titus was reading his library book, so Zeke grabbed one too. He said, "Mom, we're reading in our heads!" 


Today was Silas's birthday! Zeke had speech an hour away, so Silas rode with us. After speech, we ate lunch at Waffle House. We ran a few errands in town on the way back through, then Mikaela and Daniel came over for a visit. We ate cupcakes and I cooked Baked Ziti and creamed corn for supper as that is what Silas requested for his birthday dinner. Eli had to work all day and didn't get home until 8:00. Titus had TKD, so I left Zeke with Mercie and Silas while I took him. We watched Savage Sam (well, I watched most of it before Zeke and I went to bed!). 
Chocolate chip waffles!

Zeke set up this picnic with Daniel in the living room all on his own!


We had to meet Mercie's new teacher at Cornerstone this morning and pick up an Algebra 1 book for her to work through this summer. Then we ran into the library and the kids got some new books to read. They aren't reading as quickly as I'd hoped (one book a week), but they're starting to pick it up. Mercie is into mysteries right now, and Silas picked up a mystery book as well. Titus chose a Boxcar Children book, and so far he is enjoying it and able to stay focused. He finally earned his first dollar last week for finishing The Runaway Racehorse
The heat just drains the energy from all of us.

We ran a few more errands in town and then picked up fried chicken for lunch. Eli called and he and Landyn were coming home for lunch from work. We spent a little time outside, but we were under a heat advisory so we mostly spent the day indoors.


We stayed home again most of the day. It was super hot. Eli had a basketball summer tournament an hour away and they won both games. He had 22 points in the second game - he made six 3-pointers, a mid-range shot, and two free throws. Titus had TKD in the evening and I ran to get a few groceries while he was in there. One of Mercie's friends came over and they rode horses and practice barrels for a few hours. 

Summer School

The boys worked in their daily notebooks every day this week. I'm only having them do four days a week of school, and it takes them around 30-45 minutes. I think they're getting the hang on the daily notebooks. We worked in our Old Testament lapbook this week - we did the mini books for Noah's Ark, Tower of Babel, and Abraham and Isaac. They also wrote in the Old Testament Tribune - a newspaper from Bible times. Reading their take on the stories in reporter form is really fun! It's a great way to sneak in some creative writing, too. Titus is getting pretty fast on his 3's and 4's math facts just from writing them daily. And it is keeping us from forgetting to do anything! I think I may start one for Mercie, too. 


I have been going through our school books from last year, trying to purge! I have listed a few things on Ebay and sold one thing already - our set of Rod and Staff grammar books for level 7. Zeke's preschool curriculum came in so I have been putting things in binders and folders and trying to see what books we have and what books I need to order. I have a long way to go on this project, but I want to get it all finished before I press "order" on the boy's curriculum. Otherwise I'll have boxes and boxes and nowhere to put anything! 
Zeke tested out a new Busy Bag today. It's listed in my shop - click the picture in the sidebar!

Button Patterns

On the Blog

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