Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
For the past month, Zeke and I have been using a really great curriculum from Wisdom Wonder Project. Many of you have seen the Tot Trays I set up for Zeke's tot school each day. I took the ideas and plans in the Little Wonders Preschool and used them for Zeke's Tot Trays this month! We have absolutely loved them.

Wisdom Wonder Project offers homeschool curricula for young children that is literature based, classically inspired, age-appropriate, and hands-on. They offer many different levels and subscriptions from preschool through 2nd grade. The Little Wonders subscription has a Preschool, Junior Kindergarten, and Kindergarten level. The three core subjects in each level are Literature, Block Play, and Little Masters (art). They also have Young Scholars for 1st and 2nd grade with History/Literature, Science, and Little Masters as the core subjects, Singapore math videos for Kindergarten and up, and an A La Carte Supplemental section for all ages!
Zeke and I received the Little Wonders Preschool Bundle subscription with Literature, Block Play, and Little Masters.
The Literature curriculum is designed around a book each week. There are tons of ideas to make the book come alive for your child - hands-on play, sensory play, fine motor play, discussion, art, and more! The Little Masters curriculum focuses on one artist a month, exploring their work and applying their techniques. The Block Play curriculum also focuses on one book a month, teaching your child about spatial development and engaging their imagination.
Each collection is available by itself as a monthly or yearly subscription. You can also bundle all three collections and save 20% on the subscriptions!
I ordered the books for the first several weeks and we dug right in! The curriculum doesn't have a daily schedule, but it does have a suggested schedule. Zeke and I didn't follow the schedule; instead I pulled several of the ideas from the curriculum that I knew Zeke would enjoy and that would be within his abilities and made them into his Tot Trays!
The first book we read was "Peter's Chair" by Ezra Jack Keats, and the first activity we did was build a tall tower using wooden blocks, just like Peter did in the first part of the story. Zeke really enjoyed building with the blocks!
Another day I gave Zeke a cup of pink water, an empty glass, and a dropper. He had a blast learning how to suck water up in the dropper and drop it into the cup! This tied in the "pink" in the story.
We also measured his length with a piece of yarn. The curriculum instructed the child to paint glue onto a piece of paper and arrange the yarn on the glue. I decided to use contact paper for Zeke. I laid out a piece and taped it down with masking tape. He arranged the yarn and then I folded the contact paper over to seal it.
The next book we read was "Rosie's Walk" by Pat Hutchinson. Zeke absolutely loves this book! The first activity we did was working with positional words by using a wooden block and a plastic chicken. I asked Zeke to put Rosie on top of the block, under the block, beside the block, behind the block, and in front of the block. He also made her walk around the block and jump over the block. He enjoyed this activity and I was pleased to see he already has a great understanding of positional words!
We also made a sensory tray using cornmeal and plastic farm animals. I added a scoop and a metal bucket. This was messy but Zeke loved it.
Then we read "Planting a Rainbow" by Lois Ehlert. One of the suggested activities was to create a rainbow with toys and other objects. I decided to modify that for Zeke and create sensory color cards. I gave him a cup with different objects in the same color and he glued them to pieces of cardboard. He loved doing this, and they turned out great.
We also went on a flower walk and picked some wildflowers and some flowers from our trees and bushes. We sorted them by color and played with them. We also deconstructed them and counted petals.
We also did a unit in the Block Play collection. The book for the month of September is "Changes, Changes" by Pat Hutchinson. Zeke built a house with wooden blocks and tried to build as high a tower as he could.
We also explored shapes with play-dough. We "stamped" the blocks into the play-dough and talked about the shapes. I also had him match the wooden blocks to the play-dough impressions.
The Little Masters is a fabulous beginning art course for any young child. We haven't had a chance to really dive into this yet, but I am so excited to! The September collection focuses on Andy Warhol. Your child will be exploring lines and mixing colors, and studying and replicating one his pieces of work, "Illustration of Cats."
I love the Wisdom Wonder Project! Zeke is a bit young for the targeted age for this curriculum, but it was so easy to adapt it to his abilities. I really appreciate the fact that there isn't a set schedule. You can go as quickly or as slowly through it as your child needs to.
I love that there aren't any worksheets in this curriculum! The learning is all done through hands-on play! The suggested activities are perfect for young children and (mostly) easy to set up for the parents. Purposeful play is the method I use with Zeke, and this curriculum is full of ideas!
The book choices are fabulous! We love using literature as the basis for our learning, and that is what Wisdom Wonder Curriculum is all about. I'm excited to read all of the books listed!
Each week has a shopping list with the materials you will need, as well as recommended products that would go along well with the theme. For example, for the first week (Peter's Chair) the recommended products are a chair stacking game, a wooden dollhouse family, a pink suitcase set, and a plush puppy. You don't have to buy any of these products (I didn't), but it does give you some ideas of toys you may have already that would fit the theme.
There are also recommended books and other books by the same author that you may want to get for that week. Again, you don't have to buy any of these but it may help you remember a book you already have that is similar.
I cannot recommend this curriculum enough! If you are a mom of a toddler or preschooler, the Little Wonders Preschool is a gentle, literature-based, hands on curriculum that will expose your child to many new concepts and ideas through play. Visit my Instagram @toddler_school and follow along on on Wisdom Wonder Journey! Click the banner below to see what other reviewers thought of Wisdom Wonder Curriculum!

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