
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Silas Turned 14

Last week, Silas was at King's Camp - and since his birthday was Friday, we didn't get to see or talk to him on his 14th birthday! They're not allowed to have or use their phones at camp (which is actually a great thing), but I did hate that for the first time ever, I didn't get to sing to him or tell him "Happy birthday" on the actual day. Oh well - we all survived, he had a great week at camp, and we celebrated his birthday Sunday after church! 

He asked me to cook Baked Ziti for his birthday lunch, and I added corn and garlic bread as the sides. He also requested an Oreo pie instead of a birthday cake, so I picked up two of those from the grocery store. 

His main birthday gift was an iPhone 14. This is his first cell phone, and he's the youngest child that we've allowed to have a cell phone so far. He's been very responsible with it, and he's really doesn't even get on it much! He's not allowed any social media, just like my others, until he's 18. Maybe that's extreme, but I have my reasons! 

We also got him a few T-shirts from the brand he likes - Old Row and Huck. Mercie and I got him a bucket for his horse feed, a box of horse treats, new reins for his horse, and a horse brush. He's been working with his horse, Buddy, recently, and we're trying to help encourage the habit. 

He's really a great kid, and I'm so proud to be his mom! 


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! It looks like he had a great day. I think your social media policy is a good one. I did let my kids have SM earlier but I wish in many ways that I had prohibited it. Have a great Monday!

    1. Thank you! Yes, the SM policy was not in place with my oldest daughter, and we did have some issues. So I’ve definitely decided that it’s not worth the risk!

  2. Happy birthday to him! All out kids got a phone in 5th and I thought that was late compared to some! We make them put them downstairs at night and to be honest, they don't use them as much as you would think anyway. It's all about habits and having good rules. My 14 year old didn't want a cake for his bday a couple months ago either; he never has! He either wants pie or a cookie cake.

    1. For most kids, 5th grade is late. I just personally think it’s too early, and not really necessary. My 11 year old is the only kid in his class at school without one, and he still has tons of friends, plays sports, and it hasn’t affected his social life a bit. My almost 19 year old son only wants ice cream cake or pie for his birthday, too!

  3. Aw, happy birthday to him! My boys often ask for other desserts instead of traditional birthday cake too (and I was the same way growing up since I hated cake and only ate the frosting). I bet it was so hard not seeing him and getting to say happy birthday on the actual day. I know I'm going to struggle with that this year too and Alec will be 19!

    1. No matter how old they get, we still always want to talk to them on their birthdays, don’t we?
