
Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Favorites

Titus went back to work with Rod this week. If you don't know, my husband works for the pipeline. We used to travel with him, but the past six years we have stayed home. He's been blessed to be on a job for three years that's only four hours from home. He gets to come home on the weekends! He is the assistant superintendent, so he is able to bring a kid with him certain times. Titus got to go this time! I’m glad for the time they’ll get to spend together one-on-one. 

He’s goofing off in the truck with the radio. 

We made a library trip this week, and I bought library bags for Zeke and Zoey. They're in the middle of the summer reading program, and we haven't made a single event yet! Zeke is filling in his reading log quickly, though. 
Isn't this the cutest design?

I've been reading books by Terri Blackstone and am hooked. She's a Christian writer and her books are all full of suspense and clean romance! I have been flying through them! The Newpointe 911 series is the best - and it takes place in Louisiana (as do most of her books, since she's from Mississippi). If you're looking for a good read, look her up. 

We had Children in Action Wednesday night at church, and only three kids showed up (plus Zoey). The summer slump is real, folks! We had a great lesson anyway, and Mercie dressed up like Moses and told the story to the kids. They enjoyed that! I really hope our numbers get back to normal soon, but even if we just have one child show up, I still think it's worth having.

Thursday, Mercie and I took Zeke and Zoey to Monroe where our mall and shopping stores are before his speech therapy session. It’s an hour drive each way to speech each week, and the mall is only about twenty minutes further. We did some shopping and ate in the mall. It was a fun day! It’s always good to spend some with her! 

Considering how busy my month has been so far, we had a nice and easy week this week! How was your week?


  1. That is so neat that Mercie helps out at church with the young ones. Growing up, I didn´t live near a mall so it was always super fun to go to one. Your son working with your husband is cool, too! You have such an interesting life- you should write a book, lol (in all your spare time!!).

    1. It’s definitely a treat going to the mall since we live so far away! Oh what I do for some spare time!

  2. What a sweet family and so nice your son gets to go to work with his dad from time to time. I will keep that author in mind..thanks for sharing and have a good weekend!

  3. What fun for Titus to go to work with your husband.
    Aww! What a cute bag. Happy reading!
    That is a shame that not many kids turned up at the evening at church. It sounds like everyone had a lovely time though.

    1. Yes it’s a little discouraging that our numbers go so low in the summer, but hopefully they’ll pick back up soon!

  4. We love those summer reading programs at the library! It's a great way to get the whole family reading and enjoying books together, and the prizes at the end are great! Thank you for sharing your post at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #43.

  5. Hey There Tracy! How are you? All's fine here. What wonderful and precious favorite things.
    Visiting today from Crazy Little Love Birds 43 #24,25&26.
