
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Count and Color for Boys Review and Give Away


My son, Silas, had the chance to review this Count and Color for Boys math book from the Thinking Tree. He is 5 years old and doing a mix of preschool and kindergarten work.">Count & Color - Just for Boys - Ages 3 to 6: Fun-Schooling - Math for Beginners (Homeschooling for Beginners) (Volume 1)

This is such a cute book! The pages are beautifully drawn, just asking your child to color them! This book focuses on the numbers 1-10. Your child will color the numbers, write the numbers, draw pictures to represent the numbers, and more!

Silas loves working in this book. In fact, it's the first workbook he pulls off of the shelf in the morning. I allow him to do one or two pages a day, although he would gladly do more!

I believe this workbook has helped him with recognizing the numbers. He has had so much trouble recognizing the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9, but I have seen some small improvement since using this book.

As he colors the number 6, I ask him, "What number is this?" several times to reinforce it.

He enjoys counting the birds and coloring the correct number.

Silas loves to color! If your child loves to color, they will love this book.

The pages are simple, but the concept is solid.

I am going to give away the Count and Color for Girls workbook to one lucky reader! The workbook is virtually the same, but with more girly drawing to color.">Count & Color - Just for Girls: Age 3 and Up -  Fun-Schooling  Math (Homeschooling for Beginners) (Volume 2)

To enter:
Leave me a comment! {1 entry}
Subscribe by email! {2 entries}

I will choose the winner on Tuesday, January 12, 2016!


  1. Oooh! I love The Thinking Tree and all Sarah's stuff! I've actually been wanting this one for my daughter! :)

  2. Oooh! I love The Thinking Tree and all Sarah's stuff! I've actually been wanting this one for my daughter! :)

  3. I was just looking on Amazon to get K Girl some workbooks! I think it's time for her to start! We got the Do A Dot books, and she loves them! :)

  4. This looks really fun! I have a 4 year old who would love it. Thanks for sharing about these books!

  5. My daughter would enjoy this. I have been hoping to try one of these when we finish our current curriculum in February. :)

  6. This book looks amazing. I would love this for my youngest
    youngest son and daughter . Both of their older brothers struggle. We have started them early in hopes of not being behind. Thanks for the opportunity.

  7. That looks like something my 4 year old would love!

  8. How adorable is this! Coloring books are so "in" right now and this would be fun for my daughter.

  9. This looks fabulous for my preschooler who wants to "do school" like the big kids!

    1. You are the winner! Please email me at with your mailing address, and I'll mail it out today! Congratulations!

  10. This is one I definitely want to get in the future for my littler one. She loves coloring and drawing :-)
