
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Blogging Through the Alphabet: M is for Memorization

We are on Week 13 of Blogging Through the Alphabet, and M is for Memorization.

Memorization is very important to our children's success in school and in life. There are many different things your child will memorize, both voluntarily and involuntarily - their alphabet, the days of the week, their multiplication tables.

I am going to talk about the most important thing for our children to memorize - Scripture.

My children begin memorizing scripture at a young age. I don't force it; it just happens. Every morning, when we do our Morning Meeting Time, the kids and I work on our scripture memory verses. As we review the verse, the younger kids hear it over and over, and then they are able to repeat it.
For example, right now, my kids and I are working to memorize Matthew 6:5-15. We started last Monday, and they can already say Matthew 6:5-6. {We memorize a verse at time, adding a verse every couple of days.} We don't have any special tricks or a complex process for memorization. This is what we do:
  • I read the verse to them twice.
  • I read a phrase, they repeat, I read a phrase, they repeat, until we have repeated the portion we are learning.
  • Next, I say part of the verse and stop - they have to say the next word or two.
  • Finally, they try saying it without help.
We do this every morning for about 5-10 minutes. It doesn't take long for kids to memorize scripture!
I also have them write it down at least once a week. Writing it really helps if they are having trouble with a few words or the order of a few words.
I feel it is important for my kids to memorize passages of scripture. They have memorized Psalm 1 and Psalm 23 so far. Individual verses are great to memorize, but passages of scripture keep the verses in context and really cement certain things in our hearts and minds.
My oldest 2 are also in Bible Drill at church, so they have a list of verses, key passages, and the plan of salvation to memorize. My youngest 3 have a Bible Memory Club at church where they are to memorize a verse a week for a year.
It is so important for our children to learn scripture.
 Memorizing scripture helps us to combat satan and spiritual warfare. When Jesus was tempted by satan in the wilderness, he used scripture to stand against the devil's schemes. We can do the same thing! If we are tempted to watch a movie we know we shouldn't or read a book that is not honoring God, we can remind our selves:
We can also use scripture to help us in our prayer life. When we pray scripture, we are affirming that what we are asking for is God's will. It also helps guide us to pray the way God intends for us to.
It is also important to know the scriptures if you are witnessing to a friend or a lost person. When we are witnessing, and we know the scripture and reference to back up what we are saying, it gives us more credibility and gives God the glory.
I have scriptures all over my house - painted on canvases, written on papers, and hanging on my refrigerator. Looking at the scriptures daily keeps my focus on God. I have also memorized several scriptures without even trying just by seeing them daily.
Make scripture memorization a priority in your daily life and in the lives of your children. You will not regret it, and they will thank you for it one day!
What ways do your children memorize scripture?


  1. This is a great way to memorize! I may try it!

  2. Great post! I think memorizing scripture is definitely one of the most important things we can memorize even as adults!

  3. Great post! I think memorizing scripture is definitely one of the most important things we can memorize even as adults!

  4. This is great! We just started memorizing scripture a few weeks ago. The kids are oh so proud and excited to have 4 memorized. They've done an excellent job!
