
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

52 Lists Project: Week 4

We are on Week Four of the 52 Lists Project, and this week we must list our current and future goals and dreams.

1.) Making sure I give my children a solid education, and more importantly, and solid spiritual foundation to stand on.

2.) Fostering relationships with my children, and fostering relationships between my children.

3.) Growing and maturing in my faith daily by seeking His presence and obeying Him in everything I do.

4.) Honoring and glorifying my Heavenly Father with my words, actions, thoughts, and attitudes.

5.) Memorizing large passages of scriptures this year.

6.) Teaching Silas to read.

7.) Nurturing my marriage.

8.) Developing a gentle, quiet, and humble spirit in my marriage, my parenting, my homeschooling, and my relationship with God.

9.) Finding the right balance of homeschool methods and curriculum for our family. {It's a work in progress!}

10.) Giving more - of my time, my money, my compassion, my spiritual gift.

I know this list probably doesn't seem like most - paying off debt, or building a house, or furthering my education or career. Those things are important to me, as my husband and I would like to build a house one day and pay off all of our debt. However, those things don't mean much in the eternal sense, and my goals are to always see things through God's eyes. I want to focus on the things that really matter - my family and our relationships to God and to each other, my children's education, and becoming the woman that God has called me to be. So these are my goals, my dreams, and my prayers for my family.

Linking up with Chasing Slow.



  1. Loved reading the heart of your list. I like how you brought it to life in rainbow colors. One of my favorite homeschool moments is when one of my daughters each learned to read. It was always so rewarding.

  2. Your goals are absolutely perfect. :)
