Sunday, July 9, 2023

Week in Review Link Up: July 2-July 8

This week was busy, and I didn't get too many pictures. Rod was off work Saturday through Tuesday so we got to spend some time together when he wasn't working. Farm life keeps you busy - there are no vacations. There is always something to do!

Titus went to 4H Camp Monday through Thursday this week. It was his first time at 4H Camp and his third and final camp of this summer. 

We had Codebreakers at church Wednesday night. Attendance has been down a lot this summer. There were only 9 kids there last night. I'm still doing it though because it's important for me to have something available to the kids this summer. Silas and Mercie put on the puppet show and made all the kids laugh.

Zeke has been reviewing his letters starting this week. We're using The Gentle+Classical Preschool Morning Binder pages as worksheets. We're doing one letter a day - building the letter, tracing and finding the letter, and then I have one more activity available. We're also doing one number a day. He's doing great! There are just some letters he isn't very familiar with and others he knows really well. I'd like him to have a good review before we begin this fall.

Letter A: 

We built the letter with red pom poms then used our Attribute Apples to sort by color and then size.

Letter B:

We build the letter using buttons, and then he stuck bird feathers into a colander.

Letter C: 

We built the letter using linking cubes, and then he built towers with the linking cubes to match the number flashcards.

Letter D:

We build the letter using dinosaurs. He then counted dinosaurs for each number flashcard.

Letter E:

We built the letter using wooden blocks. We reviewed all of the letters and sounds a-e. He also did a few clip cards - a popsicle shape set and sunshine color matching. Both of these are available in my etsy shop - link in sidebar!

I got back on Instagram! I post lots of pictures and stories, so follow me there! It's @meganrussell383.

How was your week? Link up any posts from this week below!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

FREE Alphabet Art Resource!

I love creating resources for Zeke to use! I have an Etsy shop where I sell loads of digital products, such as toddler curriculum, dot marker pages, clip cards, and flashcards. I also sell a few busy bags right now. I did have quite a few different options, but when Zoey came along I removed most of them for now.

I have decided to start offering some of my resources for free here on my blog! Some of these resources are listed in my Etsy shop already and some will be new resources that I offer here for free for a limited time before I list them on Etsy.

Today I'm offering these Alphabet Art templates! This set comes with the Toddler Curriculum Bundle or you can buy it separately for $3.00. Every letter becomes an object that begins with that letter! A becomes an apple, K becomes a kite, T becomes a train track, and Z becomes a zoo! 

You will need a few supplies to complete some of these crafts, like ribbon, pipe cleaners, or googly eyes. Most of the templates don't require anything extra though! 

This is a great way to get in some letter review this summer before school starts. It's also great for a letter of the week program or to add to a unit study.

If you decide to download this resource, please leave me a comment as a thank-you! And I would love to hear how you are planning to use it. 

To download the Alphabet Art package, just click the link below!

Alphabet Art

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Week in Review Link Up: June 25-July1

(I'd love to get my link-up going again! It may take awhile, but I'm patient. If you're interested, you can link up any of your posts from this week below. Thanks!)

This week was hot. We had heat advisories almost all week with heat indexes of 112-116 degrees. Needless to say, the little ones and I enjoyed lots of time indoors playing. Silas and Titus have had to pick up a lot of slack this week with Eli being gone to Nicaragua for a month and Mercie being gone to church camp for the week. 

All of the farm chores fell on their shoulders, but they really stepped up and got everything done. Feeding chickens, horses, dogs, cat, and cows is just the beginning - they had to check every single water trough daily (especially with it being so hot, it was vital to make sure the animals had plenty of water), pick up limbs from our quarter mile long driveway after some severe thunderstorms, and help my father-in-law lay poly pipe so we can water our beans and corn. They stayed busy! 

As a reward, my mother-in-law took them to see the new Indiana Jones movie last night. They loved it but they did say it had too much language in it. Silas commented that at one point he thought he was going to have to walk out on it! 

Sunday was Eli's 18th birthday! We didn't have a big celebration but we gave him some gifts. I bought an ice cream cake since that's his favorite! I did promise to buy him a mini-fridge for college this fall as part of his gift. I didn't want to buy it now because I didn't know where I'd store it until then.

Tuesday I went with Mikaela to her doctor's appointment. She had another ultrasound to check her placenta (it's low-lying, almost covering her cervix). We got to see little Mikenna and everything looked great with her. Mikaela and I did some shopping at TJ Maxx, Dillard's, Carters, and Bath and Body Works. She also took some clothes to Once Upon a Child (a consignment store) and earned some money. We found several outfits with tags on them there, too!

The boys and I made some pickles and pickled okra with cucumbers and okra from our garden. They also chopped up about fifteen bell peppers and we put those in the freezers to use in soups and casseroles. We have lots of cherry tomatoes and I gave a big bag to Mikaela and my mother-in-law. 

We had our Wednesday night program at church, Codebreakers. Silas and Titus put on a puppet show for us to introduce the Bible lesson and it was so funny! I think the kids are enjoying it each week.

Eli and my parents left for Nicaragua Thursday morning. He's having a great time so far! They've traveled horseback in the mountains already. It's going to be a long month without him, but I know he's having a wonderful experience. He gets to preach tonight!

My favorite moment from the week:

When I got to church Sunday morning, my niece, Laylah, and I were matching! We had to get a picture.

How was your week? Link up any of your posts from the week here.