
Friday, February 14, 2020

Homeschool Highlights 2/10/20-2/14/20

Homeschool Coffee Break
I am so excited to announce that I will be co-hosting Homeschool Highlights with Kym weekly for the rest of February, and then I will be taking over the link-up in March! I won't be making any changes other than going back to a weekly format. I hope you will all join me in linking up your homeschool highlights for the week. I enjoy reading them!

This week, we got a ton of rain! There were flash flood warnings Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and our entire parish cancelled school Tuesday through Thursday. Our roads were pretty bad! We even postponed our Valentine Banquet at church from Wednesday until Sunday night. This picture was taken after the water had gone down! We couldn't get out the road we usually travel on. We had to go the long way!

We had our Valentine Skate Party on Thursday! We have to drive an hour and a half each way to get to the meet-ups, so we didn't do schoolwork on Thursday. I had the kids do two days of math and language arts on Wednesday - it was raining and yucky outside, so they didn't mind. Mercie's llama won 2nd place in the contest! The boys didn't win, but I still think they did an excellent job on them.

They had a good time skating! It was only their second time, but they improved a lot since last time they skated. They will still have some bruises and be sore for a few days from the falls!

I had to stop and buy Zeke and the girls some clothes while I was in the city. That's the nearest place I can shop! The kids and I also ate in the mall.

I got the kids a few Valentine surprises to show them I love them!

In science this week, we continued learning about insects, focusing on butterflies and moths. We learned lots of new information! We learned that you can tell a butterfly from a moth by their antennae, that moths are generally dull in color while butterflies are brightly colored, that moths don't eat, and that moths are mainly nocturnal while butterflies are active during the day.

We read about the butterfly's life cycle in this amazing old book - The Bug Book. I love this book! It's truly a living book, with a great narrative style of writing and nice illustrations. The kids enjoyed having me read this to them. We learned a lot about caterpillars as well. It was super interesting to read about! I had the kids draw the monarch butterfly's life cycle.

We also made symmetrical butterfly paintings, which turned out fantastic.

Today, we will be making a butterfly feeder! I'll be posting a "how-to" about this in a few days. We will hang it up where we can watch to see if any butterflies come and eat! We live in Louisiana, so our winter temperatures feel more like fall or spring, and we are likely to see butterflies year round.

In geography, we traveled to Venezuela. This was probably our dullest week in geography. Our library was closed on Tuesday (because of the flash floods) when we braved driving into town. I had zero books at home on Venezuela, and our atlases didn't provide much information. We did read some fun facts in the atlases and in our other books, and we watched a quick YouTube video on Venezuela, but I felt like it got short-changed this week. Next week, we plan to take a week off and work on our geography fair, so I plan to get the *one* book on Venezuela our library had and extend our study into next week. Here is what we did this week.

The kids are plugging along in their other subjects! They are all right where they need to be or further ahead in their math and language arts books. Titus has almost finished his second grade workbook, so I'm on the lookout for a new one. I did pick one up from Walmart, but I wasn't impressed with it like I was with the one he is currently using. I don't want to buy a new curriculum since we only have 3 months left of school. He has been watching Times Tales and learning his multiplication facts that way, but he isn't very fast at them yet. They love building with Magformers, especially when big brother helps.

Here are a few shots of Zeke this week. We went out to pizza on Sunday, but he ate from the salad bar - cubed ham, boiled egg, cheese, and breadsticks. 
He loved this simple activity - an oatmeal container and Uno cards.
He took a ride with Daddy on the side-by-side before he left for El Paso on Sunday. He'll be gone a few months for a job out there.

Happy Valentines Day! How was your week?

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  1. So glad you'll be hosting the link-up from now on! Sorry about the heavy rains disrupting plans for the week! We've had unseasonably warm weather here, and even had some tornadoes last Friday as a result. A little unusual for us. Love the butterfly art and projects - hope the feeders turn out well!

  2. That's great that you're taking over the link up; I knew that Kym was looking to have someone take it over. We had quite a bit of rain too but nothing like that!

  3. Looks like a fun week...I love the symmetrical butterflies! We got snow here while everyone else was getting flooded...something to get used to in a new region I guess.
