
Friday, January 8, 2016

7th Grade Week in Review {January 4 - 8, 2016}

This week in math, Mikaela worked on Khan Academy every day. There were some tough concepts that she had some difficulty with, but she kept trying and worked hard! She also worked several pages in "Are You a Math Genius?" and played a fun fraction dice game!

In language arts, she worked on predicate adjectives in Easy Grammar, did her Daily Grams, well, daily, and worked in her Spelling Time Journal. I can see some improvements with her spelling since she started using this.

She really enjoyed science this week. She read about the universe in "It Couldn't Just Happen!" and used her Fun-Schooling journal to record the information she learned. She was particularly interested in pulsars, and watched some videos on them. I'm glad we have found a science book that she looks forward to reading each day! Best of all, it is from a Creationist point of view!


In America the Beautiful, she learned about traveling on a steamboat and about Samuel Morse. She had a fun activity where she had to write a message in Morse Code, and then I had to decode it! It is working out very well dividing the lessons over two days instead of one. She seems to take her time reading and completing her activities.

She is also working through a free hunters education course online.

Mikaela had several outings this week. She went to see a movie with several friends on Saturday night {and their parents!}. Monday, she, Eli, and Mercie went with some of the same friends to watch their rank test in karate {they all passed} and receive their green belts! Tuesday, she went to the mall with a friend and his mom, and they ate at a Hibachi restaurant. Wednesday, she had youth group and today she is going to get a pedicure with my sister! All of this was done in the afternoon or evening, and she didn't miss any school. She starts around 8:30 and is done by lunch every day.

How was your week?


  1. She is a busy one 8) LOVE the American THe Beautiful work! Great week!

    1. Thank you! I love how the maps are getting more and more colorful each week!

  2. That is really cool that she is doing hunter education! I don't really "get" khan academy, but it could just be that Aiden is a little young still? I always love seeing what everyone else is using! Thanks for linking up this week! :)

    1. Khan Academy is a little confusing, but I like that it sends me reports each week on her progress. She actually requested a textbook for math, sobwe ordered Principals of Mathematics for her to start using.
