
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Our Summer So Far ( Busy! )

So far we have had a busy summer! I can't believe that June is already halfway over. We've had something going on every week since school let out in May! Summer baseball ended the last week of May. Zeke had the best time playing t-ball and learned so much! It was such a good experience for him, and he can't wait until next year. Titus enjoyed playing in the Majors and had some nice hits and field plays. 

The Bandits

The Royals

After school was finished for the year, Silas, Titus, Mercie, and her boyfriend Cole went to Rodeo Bible Camp. This was my kid's third year attending, and they had a blast as usual! Silas and Titus went for the bull-riding event, and Mercie decided to try her hand at break-away roping this year instead of her usual barrel racing event. She learned a lot about roping and wants to start doing that as well as barrel-racing. Silas has really made some improvements with his bull-riding this year. He even rode in the open class division in our tri-state rodeo in May both nights. 

The next week, we had Vacation Bible School at our church. We kicked it off with a waterslide and hamburgers at church on Sunday. Our theme was The Great Jungle Journey. We didn't have a very large crowd of kids, but the ones that came learned so much and had so much fun. It was a tiring week, though! The following Sunday we had our Family Night with a homemade ice cream supper afterwards.

Then Titus and Mercie went to King's Camp for the week - Titus, as a camper, and Mercie, as a work-study. He had such a great week! He placed first in archery and canoe-racing - he was really proud of himself. Mercie had an exhausting week of washing dishes, sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, and more - but she enjoyed herself.

His ribbons

This week, Silas is at King's Camp and next week, Mercie goes as a camper. Titus also goes to 4H Camp that week. We also started Children in Action at church on Wednesday nights. It's a mission-focused program for kids in 1st through 6th grades. We will be learning about missionaries each month and then doing our own outreach the last Wednesday of the month. 

She can climb up the slide at church.

Zeke is doing a little summer school because I don't want him to have a "summer slide" where he forgets everything he has learned in reading. It takes us around 20 minutes a day, and he really likes doing his worksheets. Each day, he completes a few pages in Explode the Code Book One, a handwriting page in A Reason for Handwriting K, and a few pages in the Complete Book of Math for Grades 1 and 2. We've been reading lots of books each day! I'm also doing A Thoughtful Toddler School for Zoey (I wrote this).

After June, I think our summer will slow down some! Here are a few more random pictures from June!

Checking the corn

Helping daddy 

Working puzzles 


I got a haircut

How is your summer going so far? I'd love to hear!


  1. That all look super busy but fun! I don't consider it summer yet but it's been busy for me too. I don't have school age kids so I get it!! We just got back from a trip and our bathroom is being remodeled. I'm hoping it's done soon for summer visitors!

    1. Here in Louisiana it’s felt like summer for a month already! Having kids make me so busy, but I love it.

  2. Aww! What great pictures!! Your summer sounds great so far. Busy but full of good things. I love the things your kids are involved and active in. Great job, mama!

    1. It’s amazing to me the interests my kids have, and how they all work so hard at them!

  3. That does sound like a busy summer but also a very fun one!

  4. You have certainly had a busy start to your summer... filled with memorable adventures for all!

    1. Absolutely! I know the kids have already made so many lasting memories.

  5. I've missed seeing you here each week! I'm glad your summer is off to a great start. I feel the same about mine; I've been doing all the things I love: swimming/floating, reading, planning vacations...this time of year is fun!

    1. I've missed blogging, too! It was an unintentional break - life just gets busy sometimes!

  6. Such a busy and fun summer so far! My girls are keeping me busy as well. We have a concert coming up in August that we will attend. Your summer looks great! Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #43.
