
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thankful Thursday

I’m joining Jennifer again with Thankful Thursday! 

This week I’m thankful that I’m homeschooling Zeke. I started homeschooling when my 21-year-old daughter was 4! I’ve homeschooled at least one child every year since then. This year, I put my older three in public school and am left with just Zeke and Zoey at home. Zeke is doing My Fathers World kindergarten, and we just love it. It’s my third time going through this curriculum! I don’t know how long our homeschooling g journey will last - there are time I really consider putting him public school next year - but I’m thankful for the time I have with him now, and that I get to teach him to read! And I’m thankful for how well he is catching on! 

I’m also thankful that I am trying to do more toddler activities with Zoey. She’s so different from my other kids! She doesn’t get quite as engaged in these activities, and when’s finished she usually throws it all on the floor. But the more we do these, the more she likes them and the less mess she makes! 

I’m thankful for the relationship that Zeke and Zoey have. She just adores him, and he thinks she’s the greatest thing ever. They play really well together most of the time, and he’s very patient with her. The older she gets, the closer they get! She loves to hug him, kiss him, sit right beside him, and be involved in every little thing he does. I love how she says his name, too! 

I’m also thankful the weather has been really nice this week! We’ve gotten to spend a lot of time outside. 

I’m thankful my daughter and two grandkids are home! They’ve been visiting a lot and even spent the night last night. How fun to have grandkids and kids about the same age. 

Zoey got in the baby walker I pulled out for Mikenna!

They're all trying to watch an episode of something!

And there is so much more to be thankful for every day! 


  1. How great to get to see your daughter and grandkids- your grandkids are lucky that they have such a young grandma! And it is great that your youngest two cuties get along so well.... and that they get along with their young niece and nephew!!

    1. It is crazy to be 38 and a grandmother! And especially having kids about the same age! But it’s also a lot of fun.

  2. I loved reading this! The relationship between Zeke and Zoey is so sweet. I know you love having those two close in age; I'm sure their relationship will always be close! How fun that your grown kids and grands spent the night. I know you loved that!

    1. I do like that they will have each other growing up! It was a fun sleepover, although a little
      Crazy at times!
