
Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Resolutions for 2024

I normally make New Year's Resolutions and I'm pretty good at keeping (most of) them. Here are the resolutions I am making for 2024:

Prayer Life

I always have resolutions that impact my spiritual life, and prayer is one area that I really need to improve in. I resolve to pray for 30 minutes a day at least. This is a huge jump from where my prayer life is at right now - short prayers thrown up to God throughout the day. I have been reading my Bible every morning before the kids get up, and I'm planning to add in this half-hour of prayer time them. And yes I'm going to time my prayer in the beginning to hold myself accountable!

Bible Reading

I've been reading my Bible (almost) every day for several months now after getting out of the habit when Zoey was born. I resolve to read my Bible every morning this year. I'm using Search the Scriptures as my "study" - and I love it. I have a simple spiral notebook that I use to answer the questions after each reading. These questions aren't like the questions in Bible study workbook - they're deep and really have me thinking and searching out the answers. It's a three year study through the Bible, and it's so much better than I expected.

Tot School

Zoey is 15 months old now, the same age that Zeke was when he started tot school. I resolve to have this special time with her each day and plan out fun activities for her to do! I've been looking at ABC Jesus Loves Me to use as a foundation. 

Blog Regularly

I resolve to blog regularly again - it's such a creative outlet for me and I enjoy it. I really hate that it's been so sporadic lately. Three blog posts a week is my goal. I'd like to start my link-ups back, too, although I've said that recently and it didn't happen. Week in Review (not just homeschool related!) on Fridays and Little Learners on Mondays linky-parties are what I'm planning. Be sure to check back! 

Find New Blogs

It saddens me that blogging seems to be going out in favor of social media. I don't like social media! I love to read blogs, especially blogs about everyday life. I resolve to find one new blog a week to read! I hope that it's possible. I'll share the new blogs on here, too!

Enjoy Life

It's so easy to get bogged down with kids and housework and all the responsibilities that come with them. I found that I have just been getting through each day and not really enjoying it. I resolve to find joy in every day! I also resolve to intentionally do things that I enjoy, even it means finding a babysitter sometimes.

Here's to a wonderful 2024!