Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Morning Routine of a Homeschool Mom

Everyone that knows me well, knows that I thrive on routine. I have had basically the same routine for twenty years, with some adjustments and changes here and there due to babies or toddlers. Having a set routine really helps me to be more productive with my days - in homeschooling, cooking, and keeping the house clean. Here's a look at my morning routine.

5:00 am

This is normally my wake up time each day, but it can vary fifteen or twenty minutes either way. I don't have an alarm clock, and I haven't ever used one, but my body naturally wakes up around five each morning. I never feel sleepy because I try to go to sleep before 9:30 each night, giving me eight hourse of sleep. Granted, right now that sleep is interrupted by the cutest little blessing, but I still feel well-rested.

I step right into my bathroom to take my bath and get my hair washed. I do this every single morning. I take my time because this is the only time all day that I have totally to myself. 

5:45 am

This is usually when I'm finished getting dressed and ready for the day. I let my hair air-dry and then I curl it (either with a curling iron for a nicer look or with mousse for a quick look) later in the morning. 

I walk into the living room and usually have to fold a few blankets and pick up the throw pillows that the kids left on the floor the night before. 

I grab a Strawberry Water and sit down with my Bible and my 5 Minute Bible Study Journal. I spend a few minutes reading the Word and praying before I start the day. I really like this journal. It has at least a chapter to read and few questions to get you thinking about what you read. There is also a short devotion and room for journalling a prayer or your thoughts. If I skip this time, I may not get a chance later in the day. 

6:00 am

I get the house in order before I do anything else. I have started making the kids sweep and mop at night before going to bed, and that saves me a lot of time in the morning. Usually there are a few dishes to wash - cups or bowls from after I went to sleep the night before. 

I swap laundry and sometimes divvy it out into individual baskets. (I do all the washing and drying. Everyone has a basket, and I throw clean clothes into everyone's basket for them. They are responsible for hanging up, folding, and putting away their clothes. It is another thing that saves me time!)

Once I get the little things done for the morning, I will sit down at my computer and work on lesson planning, curriculum research, blogging, or creating materials for my Etsy shop. I don't spend as much time on here as I did before Zoey was born! I will also start getting out any supplies we will need for the day or books we're going to be reading.

6:45 am

I start waking up Mercie for school. Eli wakes himself up around 7 or so. Mercie cannot wake herself up, but it's something we have got to work on. She is a sound sleeper! She starts getting ready for school, and I almost always braid her hair in two braids. She has long, thick hair, and she likes keeping it braided.

Sometimes I make breakfast (eggs, bacon or sausage, biscuits or toast or cinnamon rolls or muffins), but sometimes the kids are left to fix their own (cereal or egg sandwiches or waffles). 

7:00 am

I wake up Silas and Titus. They get dressed, brush their teeth, make their beds, pick up their dirty clothes, and tidy up their room. They eat breakfast and do a few chores before we get started on school. Usually that is washing breakfast dishes, putting up clothes, vacuuming the rugs, wiping down countertops, taking out the garbage, or cleaning up their bathroom. 

I'm usually setting out meat for lunch or dinner or putting something in the crockpot. If Zoey is awake, I get her dressed and changed for the day, nurse her, and play with her a little bit. When Zeke wakes up, he wants a few minutes of snuggles before he is ready to get dressed and eat breakfast. 

I normally have Silas hold or watch Zoey for me while I get my hair fixed and makeup on for the day. I am also grabbing dirty clothes and taking them to the laundry room (we have tons of laundry), making up my bed, and tidying up as we go. 

8:00 am

We start homeschooling at 8:00 each morning. I like having a start time. It really helps us with consistency and with getting finished before lunchtime most days. We start with me reading a chapter from the Bible. Right now we are in Acts. Then Silas reads a missionary story, Titus reads a history or science story, and I read one of Aesop's Fables. The boys try to guess the moral of each story.

I spend the rest of the morning helping the boys with their schoolwork, juggling Zoey and Zeke, and trying to fit in time to work on my projects. Right now, I'm working on a cross-stitch and a Bucilla stocking. 

I like my morning routine, and I don't like it getting messed up! Are you routine-oriented?

Linking up:


  1. We always set an alarm clock but I think I could count on one hand the number of times it's actually gone off and woken me up in my whole life. I just seem to wake up naturally around the time I need to get up. Good on you for feeling pretty rested with a new baby-- I found those interrupted nights of sleep to be such a shock to my system. We start school at 8 each morning too but with only one student we're done in just a couple of hours max.

    1. Sometimes Zoey only wakes up once a night, and that doesn't bother me at all! Since we co-sleep and nurse, I don't even have to get out of bed. That helps me not feel like I'm up and down all night.

  2. Consistency is key. All my working life I never used a alarm clock, and even now that I am retired, I will wake at around 5-6 in the morning, even though I know I can sleep later but its a habit of more than 50 years and seems like it will remain my waking time.
    I visited you via Encouraging Hearts & Home
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    1. It's been a lifelong habit for me to wake up early, as well.

  3. Routines are great! Especially for homeschoolers, and they help our babies establish good habits. Visiting from Encouraging Hearts and Homes
