
Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Little Rabbit: BFIAR

I decided to make this summer a Before Five in a Row summer for Zeke. He does so much better with structured days and predictable routines, and I love BFIAR and FIAR! I decided to start with The Little Rabbit. Having an eight-month old who just started crawling has limited me a little bit. Instead of creating my own worksheets (which I love to do), I pulled together lots of free or inexpensive resources. I'm trying to link everything for you. 


The book and our go-along books! I just grabbed the first couple of rabbit books off our shelves.

We read the book for the first time today, and he really enjoyed it. I think he liked the photographs as it was a change from the illustrations in most of his picture books. I kept it simple today. We talked about the photos and about his cousin Laylah's pet rabbit, Bad Bunny. 

Zeke did a tracing worksheet with the letter R. He is getting pretty good at tracing, but we need to add handwriting in much more.

He also colored, cut, and labeled the parts of a rabbit. I read the label, and he glued it in the appropriate spot. 

We then talked a little about the life cycle of a rabbit and completed a life cycle worksheet.

Lastly, he used our lacing strings to lace up two beautiful watercolor rabbit lacing cards. I printed and laminated these and then punched holes around the edges. He really enjoyed this activity.

It was preschool in pajamas morning.


We started out today with a Pet Homes matching worksheet from Teacher File Box. We talked about where pets live, and which pet he would like to have from the worksheet. He said he would like to have the bird as a pet!

We then did a Mother and Baby Animal matching worksheet. He loves cut and glue activities, and cut and glued this entire activity on his own.

Then he put together our Animal Family matching puzzles. We have had these for a while now, and he enjoys doing them. I picked them up from TJ Maxx for less than $5.00!


We read a book called Hop, Bunny, Hop. He did a counting and clip card activity. I printed and laminated these and used some mini-clothespins I picked up on the clearance aisle at WalMart last week. He loved clipping! He asked to do this again, so he did it twice.

Then we did a foldable about pets. He colored the pets and then drew a green check mark under the pets he would like to have and a red x under the pets he would not like to have. He checked a dog, cat, and fish (all pets we have) and put an x on the snake, hamster, and bird. He loves to feed Silas's fish and Silas is kind enough to let him do it often.

I printed, cut out, and taped a bunny template to a sheet of cardstock. Then Zeke used dot markers to dot all around the template. When we pulled off the bunny template, we had a white bunny! This was very cute and easy.


Today we just did a few simple activities. I wrote the names for the rabbit family (buck, doe, and kit) in highlighter and he traced them with a pencil.

He colored the foods a rabbit eats.

He made a book about a pretend pet rabbit. He named it Shep (we have a dog named Shep), it eats grass for fun, and is very multi-colored!


We skipped school yesterday and instead did the rest of his activities today on the porch! First we did a counting activity. I printed a carrot template on orange cardstock and cut out 12 of them. He rolled the dice and fed the rabbit that many carrots.

We have been working on the days of the week this week, and he can sort of say them with me. That is one of the things on our list to learn this school year. I found this worksheet and he traced the days of the week, cut them out, and we glued them in order. 

I had several more activities planned this week, but I didn't get to them all. This was such a sweet book and theme to begin our BFIAR Summer!

Next week - Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?


  1. As a rabbit lover, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the bunny-centric activities of the week! His rabbit art is adorable.
