
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Positive Action Bible Curriculum - TOS Review

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Positive Action Bible Curriculum

Teaching the Bible to my children is very important to me, even when they are young. This is why I was very excited to try out the Exploring God's Love K4 program from Positive Action Bible Curriculum. I received the Teacher's Manual and Student Manual to use with Zeke, who is three years old.

The Teacher's Manual came with a three-ring binder to put the hole-punched pages in. This contains 383 pages with 40 lessons. Each of the 40 lessons includes three Bible stories with ways to introduce the lesson, review questions, catechism, and extra activities. There are 120 Bible stories written in this curriculum! 

Each of the 40 lessons opens with Target Truths, Vocabulary words defined, and a note to the teacher. The three Bible stories follow with a "Setting the Stage" section, which introduces the story to your child in a hands-on way. You may need an object easily found in your house, such as play-dough, blocks, or a jacket. Next is the story, written to the child that you can read, and then following that are review questions with the answers in parentheses after them.

After the three Bible stories, there is a page of Additional Elements. These are extra activities, scripture memory, music, and catechism questions.

The Teacher's Manual is necessary to teach the lessons to your child. The stories are written in a very preschool-friendly way, although I did paraphrase sometimes for Zeke. I did most of the "Setting the Stage" activities because they were fun ways to get Zeke excited about hearing the Bible story. I also think they helped him to remember key ideas from each story.
Zeke is looking inside a ziploc bag to see "nothing." God created the world from nothing!

The Student's Manual is 167 pages of full-color activities that go along with each Bible story in each lesson. These activities are very toddler and preschool appropriate! They involve coloring, cutting and gluing, mazes, tracing, and more. Zeke absolutely loved completing each of these worksheets, and the skill-level was spot-on (which is very hard to find!). The worksheets have perforated edges that make it easy to tear each sheet out. The cut-and-glue pieces are in the back of the workbook, labeled by lesson and story so you know exactly which pieces you will need.

I am thrilled with Positive Action Bible Curriculum for Zeke, and I am going to consider using the other levels with my older children next year. Positive Action Bible Curriculum has levels for preschool through high school and can be used with churches, homeschools, and traditional schools. Check out what the other Crew members thought about Positive Action Bible Curriculum by clicking the banner below! 

Bible Curriculum for Homeschool

1 comment:

  1. I love his smile! He looks like he is having so much fun with the lessons.
