
Monday, March 21, 2022

Week in Review: 3/14/22 - 3/18/22

We had some exciting news this week - I found out I'm having a baby GIRL! I was so excited. I know it wouldn't matter either way, but I have had my last three be boys and it will be fun to have a girl again! All of the genetic bloodwork came back normal, too, which is comforting. I go back to the doctor next Monday for another ultrasound to see baby. I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.

This week the boys learned about Marco Polo, the invention of the compass and gunpowder, and Columbus. We finished reading "Door in the Wall" and started reading through "Hero Tales" about Gladys Alyward. We also began reading "Columbus" for our science portion. 

We had a few fun projects this week. First we made a stained glass project using paper. They boys drew and colored their design with crayon and then rubbed vegetable oil on the back of their paper to make it transparent. It looks like glass when held up to the window!

We also did an experiment to show that saltwater is heavier than freshwater. We filled three cups a third full of water. We added 2 tablespoons of salt to one, 1 tablespoon of salt to one, and left the other one plain. We also added food coloring to the water. We layered the water with the saltiest first to the freshwater. It's hard to see in the picture, but the water did layer a bit. The freshwater was sitting on top of the saltwater!

I also showed them how an egg will float in the saltwater and sink in the freshwater.

In math Titus had to find and bake a dessert recipe. He went through my Pioneer Woman cookbook and chose a Root Beer Float Pie. We bought the ingredients and he did such a good job putting it all together!

Silas is doing a thorough review of fractions and decimals. He is doing so well and has started working a little more independently. I do sit with him still, but I'm not walking him through every problem. He does like to work through them aloud sometimes, which is totally fine because I hear the steps he is remembering!

Titus is loving IEW's Fix It Grammar. It's really short, but I've noticed such a grasp on nouns and articles already, and he is remembering to capitalize and punctuate the sentences.

Mercie has been working through her new algebra book. She said it's so much easier than Video Text Algebra, and she really feels like she's understanding what to do and how to do it. She finished week 27 in Heart of Dakota Missions to Modern Marvels, which means she only has 8 weeks of school left for the year.

She's been working with her horses as much as she can. She also got a new rabbit named Reese this week. Her chickens have been free-ranging the yard and we've been getting lots of eggs. The weather has been a bit warmer this week, so we've spent a lot of time outside. Rod rowed up the garden last weekend, and we've gotten lots of rain this week. My seeds are started to sprout, and I'm ready to plant the garden! Titus moved up to yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do and had his belt ceremony Friday night! We are so proud of him, and he just loves TKD. Eli went to the literary rally last weekend for English 3 and placed third place, which means he gets to go to the State Literary Rally and compete for scholarships! 

Next week the schools are out for spring break, so we are taking a much-needed spring break, too. It will be nice to have the week off school! How was your week?


  1. We had a very easy week; my oldest was on spring break from college so he was gone to work each day and my youngest was finishing up his week in culinary (which always means his work is done at school and I have to help him with nothing!). With just Evan working at home ours day went by so fast and we've noticed that he is really getting close to finishing up his work in quite a few of his subjects!

    1. It's always such a good feeling to know you're almost done with school work for the year! My kids keep peeking to see how many lesson they have left and want to double up to finish early!
