
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mikaela is having a ....

B O Y!

We went to her appointment yesterday. Everything looks good so far! His heart rate was 160, and  he was wiggling around and showing off for the ultrasound. She goes back in four weeks for the anatomy scan. She's almost 16 weeks pregnant! She has decided to name him Daniel.

Now it's time to start buying cute boy clothes...


  1. Oh wow! Congratulations grammy... grandma... nana... memere?! So exciting.

    1. I'm going to be called MayMay because that's what my sister's kids already call me! When her oldest was little, he tried saying Aunt Megan and it came out MayMay, and the name stuck! I think it's cute. I'm not sure what Rod is going to be called. He hasn't decided yet. Actually he said he is going to let Daniel decide...hmm.

  2. Congrats on a boy! MayMay is a cute name...much more fitting to you than grannie :)
