
Friday, April 24, 2020

Homeschool Highlights: 4/20/20 - 4/24/20

G'day, mate! In geography this week, we "traveled" to Australia! Our libraries are still closed, which is affecting our geography studies quite a bit, but I did have two books on Australia sitting on my bookshelves. We did our usual flag sheet, country fact sheet, Children Just Like Me sheet, postcard, and a few extras from "A Trip Around the World."

We made Aboriginal Boomerangs using cardboard and dot painting with q-tips.

We are still in the book of Numbers, and we are still working on memorizing 1 Corinthians 13. The kids are so close to being finished with their language arts and math curriculum. It's mostly review now, so they're done with school by 10:30 or 11:00 each day. 
Titus has been using a penmanship curriculum that we are reviewing. His penmanship needs a lot of work! He has also been reviewing nouns, verbs, and punctuation. In math, he is reviewing addition and subtraction with borrowing and carrying. He has also been using Reading Kingdom, a review product.
Silas has been practicing cursive. He is also working on 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. He is reviewing all of the grammar he learned this year.

Mercie is reviewing everything in math and language arts. I've had them doing a lot of free-reading lately. She is also starting Artistic Pursuits, a review item, and we've done several lessons in Beyond the Stick Figures, another review product!

Eli went to his follow up appointment on Wednesday. His incisions are healing nicely! The doctor said we don't have to go back. Mikaela also had her first prenatal appointment on Wednesday. She got an ultrasound, so we got to see the baby kicking and moving and hear the heartbeat. It made everything seem so much more real. Her due date is November 7. We go back May 19th for her gender scan. I'm getting excited and am still in disbelief that I'm going to be a "Grammie".

Random shots from the week:
Zeke loves putting rocks in his dump truck and dumping them out.

We got Zeke a toddler bed! He hasn't slept in it yet....he still likes co-sleeping.

Mikaela made Zeke a flower crown and he wore it for a long time. He loves picking flowers.

I got the boys old kitchen out of our shed, and Zeke has had the best time playing in it!

I cut a bunch of shapes from foam and made Zeke some bath stickers. He loves these!

Mikaela has been doing a lot of baking and cooking!

How was your week?

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  1. I had missed that you are going to be a grandma! Congratulations! The boomerangs turned out great! I hate that the libraries are closed there (and here) it goes greatly impact our resources too.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm going to be a grandma! It's been a roller coaster of emotions for us, but I'm getting excitdd now.

  2. Looks like a fun week! We have also been doing a lot of baking.

    1. We have been doing way more cooking and baking since we have nothing else to do, lol.

  3. Looks like a fun week! Congrats on becoming a grandmother; I had no idea. Glad to hear Eli is healing well.

    1. Thank you! I made a post about it, but I guess it got missed by some. He is doing great!
