Tuesday, March 31, 2020

5 Things I Love About Staying at Home

I have seen a lot of people posting about how hard it is to stay home, especially those who aren't normally home every day, all day. I guess being a homeschool mom makes it easier for me, since I'm used to being home every day. I do miss our outings, like library trips, park trips, shopping, church, TeamKID, and visiting friends and family, but it has been nice to have so much time at home. Here are five things I'm loving about being "stuck" at home.

1.) We are cooking a lot more! We don't usually eat out as a family because with 7 of us eating, it can get expensive. We are used to running through the Sonic drive-through after grocery shopping, library trips, or anytime we "go to town" (we live about ten miles from town), even if just for a drink or an order of mozzarella sticks. We have only eaten in town once this month, and that was because the kids needed a change of pace! Mikaela, my 17 year old, and Mercie, my 12 year old, have also been cooking. We browned some sausage that we had made this winter from some hogs my husband killed and added it to black-eyed peas for lunch yesterday. Then we ate pork tenderloin (from the same hogs) with rice, green beans, and French bread for supper. We are eating much healthier and it's really nice for the girls to get some more practice in the kitchen.

2.) We are playing more games! It's still hard to play games with Zeke around because he wants to, um, explore everything (that means eat the game pieces and destroy the game boards). However, we can sit outside on the porch while Zeke is playing and play Uno. We also played Yahtzee last night, and that was Titus and Silas's first time playing. The kids have been playing lots of Monopoly and Conspiracy Theory (a really fun game my mom got me for Christmas a few years ago!). I really want to order Rummikub with the large tiles, because it's a blast to play.

3.) We have been spending a lot of time outdoors! We normally do this anyway, but it's nice to be home and spend time outdoors. Even Eli, my 14 year old, has had a ton of fun playing with his younger brothers and sister. They've been jumping on the trampoline, playing football, and hide and seek. Zeke has been splashing in mud puddles and exploring the yard. Mikaela and I have done some aerobics in the yard (thank goodness for no neighbors!). We even did some school on the porch yesterday morning because it was nice and cool.

4.) We are home in the evenings! That may seem like a weird one, but this time of year is usually the busiest time for us because of baseball and softball. All five of my older kids play. Mikaela and Eli play for the school, and Mercie, Silas, and Titus play in the rec league. This means we are gone Monday through Friday nights for games and Saturdays for practice. It is always a challenge to juggle so many games and teams and practices, and we are usually gone from 4 in the evening until 9 or even 10 at night. It's an exhausting time of year, for sure, but we are a baseball and softball loving family! Being home every evening is so nice, though! We don't have to rush to be anywhere, Zeke can go to bed at a good time, we can relax and watch TV at night, and we aren't nearly as tired as we would be!

5.) We are connecting so much more! Having so much time together has been wonderful for our relationships. I have much more time to talk to the kids and hang out with them. Sometimes we get on each other's nerves being around each other so much, but for the most part we have enjoyed the time together. Mikaela and Eli wouldn't get home from school and practice until after 5 or 6, and if they had away games maybe not until 11 or 12. It is a blessing to have so much time with my teens! I feel like this is a great opportunity to work on some character issues and nurture sibling relationships, as well.

There are many more good things about being home more, but I'm going to leave it at that! What is your favorite thing about staying home now?


  1. I'm really enjoying being able to cook dinner without having to rush to get out the door to the next thing.

    1. I just told my husband it was so nice not to be rushing around all the time!

  2. We too are used to spending a lot of time at home but I am enjoying not having to scramble around last minute for dinner on those afternoons we would have been off with friends. I am known to completely lose track of time and just hang out way longer than we should and then I don't have enough time to cook the dinner I was planning on.

    1. I am the same way and then will usually pop something quick and easy on to eat, like pizza or meatball subs. It's nice to be eating healthier.

  3. I have been cooking more too - we had been trying to that more often to save money but even more so now. And we are getting to spend more time together.

    1. It's always nice to count our blessings in the middle of hardships. I do enjoy all the time I have with my teens!

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