
Friday, January 31, 2020

Weekly Recap: 1/27/20 - 1/31/20

This week, we stayed in the United States for geography! We had a blast learning about our country. {It was hard to condense it into one week, but I decided to focus on basic facts, patriotic symbols, and a few major events. I'm planning to do a year of American history next, so I didn't want to dive too deep this year.} We did some mapping and labeling activities, learned about the flag and the seal, designed our own seal, read in our "Children Just Like Me" book and completed the accompanying worksheet, made our postcards, and more.

We read some great books to go along with our study. I found some of these in the Target dollar spot several years ago!

In science, we learned about reptiles. We talked about each of the four major groups of reptiles: snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles, and turtles. I make our worksheets for each week because I can never find just what I'm looking for, although I do pull from Super Teacher Worksheets quite a bit.

Titus learned about synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms this week. He learned to tell time to the five minutes and how to measure in inches and centimeters. He had several review math worksheets this week. He's reading "Nate the Great" and completing some worksheets I made for him.

Silas had a review week in math and reviewed multiplication and division facts, comparing equations, and place value. He learned about adjectives and articles in language arts. He is reading "Because of Winn Dixie" and completing a book unit from Super Teacher Worksheets.

Mercie learned how to multiply and divide decimals and convert fractions to decimals in math. She completed a week in Learning Language Arts Through Literature and learned about irony. She wrote a paragraph comparing roller coaster riding to swinging in the park on a spring day. It was cute! She's also reading "Ruby Starling". I let her choose the book this time, because she has read several books I chose for her without complaining.

Mercie also got braces on Wednesday! She'll have them for 18-20 months. She is still getting used to how they feel and eating with them.

Friday we had our homeschool group and the kids gave their presentations. They did a great job! Mercie gave hers on the four horseman of the apocalypse and Silas did his on the temptations of Jesus. Some of the other kids did theirs on Samson, Esther, Deborah, Noah's Ark, and Hands in the Bible.

We also played some "minute to win it" games and had a blast. In one game, the kids had to stack as many conversation hearts as they could in one minute. It's much harder than it sounds! Our winner was Mercie with 12 hearts, but some could only stack 4 or 5.

We also played Cupid's Arrows, where they had to blow Q-tips through a straw into a bucket. It was also harder than it looked, but they had a blast playing it.
And then they had to move conversation hearts from one end of the table to the other end by sucking them up with a straw!

Also, I got invited to join the School House Review Crew again! I am so excited about this amazing opportunity and can't wait to start reviewing products.

Homeschool Review Crew Team Member
How was your week? Linking up with

Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. The party looks like so much fun, especially the Minute to Win It games! Welcome (back) to the Homeschool Review Crew, and to Homeschool Highlights as well.

    1. Thank you! We did have a good time. I'm in charge of our church Valentine banquet, so I was testing out a few games for the kids!
