
Monday, January 30, 2017

Mom School: Week 1

My friend, Linda, is starting a link-up for moms who are learning and doing school right along with their children called "Teach by Example - Mom School". For a while now, I've been "doing school"; rather, I've been educating myself and learning new things. One of my goals for 2017 was to learn some new skills and refresh myself on some others.

This week, I've been using my new book "Creative Handwriting and Beyond: Inspiring Tips, Techniques, and Ideas for Hand Lettering Your Way to Beautiful Works of Art". Wow! What a title!

I have always loved hand-lettering and doodling, especially using scriptures. It's a way that I worship God, even if that sounds sort of far-fetched. By taking my time to write out His Words in a beautiful way and illustrate them, I am meditating on them and putting them in my head and heart. It's really very relaxing for me and lots of fun.

I have decided that this year, I will invest in myself - my hobbies, my skills, and my past-times. I don't bat an eye when I purchase something for the kid's education, so why shouldn't I be just as eager to buy things to enhance my education and my skills? And, yes, calligraphy and hand-lettering are skills.

I have also decided to dedicate a 30-minute block in the afternoons each day for my kids and I to practice our skills - whether it be hand-lettering, painting, knot-tying, sewing, cooking, baking, piano, karate, whatever! I think having a time set-apart for myself to learn something will make sure I get it done.

Plus, I've discovered that anytime, and I mean anytime, I get my sketchpads, markers, and book out to start practicing, my kids either do the same thing with paper and markers, or find something similar to do. I realized I can be such an example to them, to show them that even moms want to learn new things! I want my kids to know how learning can be fun, and I hope that they will see me enjoying myself while learning.

Here are some of the practice pages I've been working on. I am getting better, but still not "good" yet! My daughters love my pages, though, and think I'm "the best ever".




I even bought Mercie, my almost-9 year old, a hand-lettering book for children, sketchbook, and box of 100 thin markers for her birthday next week. She loves to hand-letter and doodle with me, so I know she will love having her own supplies!

I am also helping my 9th grade daughter with her algebra daily. She is not a math-y kid, and I'm not a math-y mom. I bought my own notebook in hopes that I can start doing her lessons each day on my own. I would love to be proficient and quick in algebra.

The other book I am planning to read this week is "The Signers". Eli checked this one out at the library, but I literally know nothing about anyone who signed the Declaration of Independence, so I'm hoping to read this through and take a few notes.

What are you learning, Mom? Link up:



  1. Thank you for joining. I have seen that lettering on Amazon (or one close to it) and have wondered about it. I have been wanting to do something like this for a long time but have been too lazy to learn :/

  2. I am using the same Creative Lettering book! It's a gem!!

  3. What a great idea! I'll have to check out the link-up. I often study history along with my children, but have not branched out to something unique and just for me. I've always wanted to learn calligraphy.

  4. What a wonderful idea! I love all your lettering; I used to do calligraphy a long time ago and even had a fountain pen with various colored ink bottles.

  5. I love this idea! I keep saying I want to join in and do some of the high school work my oldest will be doing. I never knew I'd be a lover of history. I find myself reading their books all the time (for fun.) I would love to be more intentional like you are.

    Hand lettering is so relaxing! I've had my eye on that book for a while.

    My son read The Signers last year. It's a great introduction to all of those people!

  6. I love the idea of mom school. ♥ I really love your creative lettering - so pretty!
