
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

52 Lists Project: Week 5

We are on week 5 of the 52 Lists Project, and this week we must list the things we are grateful for.

Wow, this list could be never-ending for me, because God has blessed me abundantly and beyond measure! Let me try to pare it down...

the hope of eternal life
a beautiful, comfortable home
central heat and air conditioning
running water
pantry, refrigerator and freezer full of food
closets full of clothes and shoes
washing machine and dryer
two nice vehicles
my hard-working husband
my 5 wonderful children
the spiritual gift of teaching
the ability to stay home with my kids all day, every day
my prayer-warrior parents
bookshelves full of books
enough Bibles in our house for every family member
my family's health
living close to my extended family
children who bless me daily with hugs, kisses, and words of affirmation
a husband who supports homeschooling 100%
the ability to travel with my husband
church family

There are so  many more things I could add to this list! I am so grateful everyday for my Savior, who has blessed me with every blessing I could imagine.

Linking up with Chasing Slow!

52 lists with Chasing Slow


  1. Darling graphic and verse! I found this list to be one of the easier ones to write but hard to find a stopping point :) I am also grateful for your participation. I've been so blessed in reading everyone's lists each week.

  2. Great list, I like that you shared some of those things we sometimes over look, which may not be a whole biggy to some, but I like having a washer and dryer too.. as I am sure our foremothers would love to have had one in their day as well.. LOVE IT!!

  3. Great list! I'm grateful to stay home and teach and guide my children too. :)
