
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Week in Review: August 3 - August 7, 2015 {Little Hearts for His Glory}

Silas and I had another amazing week this week with Little Hearts for His Glory {Heart of Dakota}. I honestly cannot sing their praises enough! The curriculum is so well laid-out, so simple to implement, and so full of learning and fun.

In history, we read about the Garden of Eden, Noah's Ark and the Towel of Babel. We have a "Rhyme in Motion" each week, that is either a finger-play or song with motions. He seriously loves the two we have done so far, and asked to do them over and over. We made a cute craft, where we colored with crayons on a paper heart, colored with black crayon over that, and then used a thumb tact to etch into the heart. He had a blast, and it worked really well.

We also played a game to reinforce the Bible story. I made a masking tape square on the floor to be the Garden of Eden. I gave them directions, like "Stand like a tree in the garden" or "dig outside the garden". They had a blast, and made me keep thinking of things to do!

In science, we made a boat out of foil, floated it in the kitchen sink, and added coins to see how many it would hold and still float. I almost skipped this activity, but I am so glad we did it. He really had fun, and made the connection between the "coins" and the "animals" on the ark.

 In math, he was learning how tell differences and similarities in objects. He did very well choosing which object didn't belong in a row of 4 objects. {Some of them were hard to tell.} We also worked on patterns {in his CLE KII book}.

He worked on a new sound in phonics "g", and he "read" his first words - dad and tag. He didn't really understand what he was doing, but his brother clapped for him which made him feel proud.

He is doing okay in handwriting, and he seems to enjoy it. He doesn't like when I make him erase a letter written backwards and re-do it.

We are reading Reddy Fox, and he likes to listen. He can answer about half the questions I ask him, which is more than I hope for. We made a toilet paper roll fox this week. It's so hard to get a good smile out of him for a picture, so sorry he looks terrified here!

We had a great week, and I am looking forward to the next unit! 


  1. Love this!! We'll have to borrow the tinfoil boat kiddos would both love this. I've never heard of that curriculum, I'll have to check it out. :)

  2. This is the best curriculum we have ever used! I highly recommend checking in to it.

  3. LHFHG was one of our FAVORITE years homeschooling!! Thanks for linking up at the HOD weekly link up.

    1. I hope it's okay that I did two links to two different posts. I can make them one post in the future if I need to!

    2. Totally fine :) If this is how you want to do it go ahead!

  4. Isn't Little Hearts the sweetest? I just love it! We're a little over half-way through with my youngest and I'm starting to feel some bitter sweet emotions at ending. This is my baby so I won't be visiting the guide again!

  5. I am loving it! It is so precious, and the activities are all so meaningful. He is my youngest, too, so this may be my only chance to go through it!!
