
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Homeschooling with Heart of Dakota {getting prepared for Little Hearts for His Glory}

Little Hearts for His Glory {ages 5-7}
All of the books Silas will need are kept in this basket. I am super excited to read the Thornton Burgess books to him this year!

This is his binder.
{He decided to use colored pencils to color his cover sheet, and I discovered he has much better coloring skills with the colored pencils than he does with crayons. I am going to buy him his own box to keep in his backpack.}

I decided to make him some science notebooking worksheets for his binder. He loves "worksheets" and I think they will solidify what he is learning, as well as keep him busy!

I also created a handwriting page {with a small section at the bottom to color}. I simplified the verses to what I am going to have him memorize. We have tried memorizing scripture before, and smaller selections work better for him. I did increase the verses with each unit, because I know his skill level will develop.

Again, I created these worksheets to coordinate with the reading activity once a week. It is totally not necessary, as everything we need is in the guide. I just thought he would enjoy these.
In his backpack {which is a small one}, he has his art supply box, pencil pouch and a box of crayons {in a plastic container}.
I am also going to work with him on speech therapy. He has some speech problems, and when we were home, he was going to a speech therapist once a week. There was no improvement while we were attending. However, I started researching speech therapy methods and working with him, and he has made tremendous improvement. We are going to continue with this.

I created these binder spine labels with the child's name, school year, grade and program. This will be helpful for storage purposes.
I am so excited to begin!

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