
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thankful Thursday

I’m so thankful we didn’t lose power this week due to the winter storms we’ve had! We don’t get much snow and ice in Louisiana, so when we do our power usually goes out because of the ice accumulation on the power lines. This year we kept power through the whole thing! 

Silas made a mini snowman!

We had more ice than snow.

I’m thankful the kids have been out of school all week. It’s been nice to have them home, even though it’s been loud and chaotic and messy. They’ve been playing a game with a ping pong ball and the table all week!

I’m thankful I get to teach Zeke to read. He is the sixth child I’ve taught to read, and it’s such a wonderful feeling each time! 

I’m thankful we are all well and healthy since we were so sick last week. 

I’m also thankful for where we live. We live at the end of our very own dirt road, and we own land all around. Last Saturday I went to the deer stand with Rod. We didn’t see any deer, but we did see a beautiful sunset and tons of birds. I love birdwatching! 

I’m thankful that Rod was home all week this week. He cooked big breakfasts almost every morning, and he helped cook a lot of suppers too. I’m thankful that he is a hard worker. He and Mercie had to go break ice in the cow and horse troughs each morning and evening, and even though it was so cold, he never complained. 

How he wore shorts in this weather I’ll never know!

I’m also thankful that the cold weather forced me to stay home this week. It was nice to have an excuse to lay around, watch TV, play with the kids, and get some much needed rest and relaxation! 

Mercie and her boyfriend’s new puppy, Jack! We had to puppy sit one night for him. 

What are you thankful for? 

Linking up with Jennifer!


  1. How common is snow in your area? I´m glad that you´re all feeling better and that you´ve had extra time to rest this week at home. Those sunsets are really pretty! I taught my oldest to read. It was a very satisfying experience. Good job on teaching all of yours how to read!

    1. Snow is very uncommon where we live - Louisiana! We get a few flurries maybe once a year, and every few years it sticks and we get ice! I love teaching my kids. It is a satisfying experience, and I’m glad I get to do it twice more.

  2. I love your list of things that you're thankful for this week! I had a flashback when I saw your picture of the ping pong game going on at your table...I miss those days! Our sons didn't have a ping pong game going on, but they always had a board game going of some sort, and the dining room table would be taken up with the board and all the pieces for days on end. I loved seeing/hearing them in there laughing and playing together. Our four sons have always been great friends, and I am thankful to say they are all still close as adults, even if they don't seen Drew as often. They at least are always texting him and are more familiar with what's going on in his life than I am!

    1. That’s awesome that your sons are so close! My kids are really close too, and I credit that to farm life and homeschooling for so many years. I hope they’re always close.

  3. What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for! I was so thankful we didn't lose power either. This week I've been thankful for all the help from the boys and my husband; cooking meals, cleaning, etc. while I'm nursing myself back to health.

    1. It’s definitely something to be thankful for when your family takes care of you and the house while you’re sick. I know I couldn’t do half of what I do without help even when I’m well!

  4. Hooray that everyone is feeling. And hooray for new puppy fun!

    1. Yes puppies are so cute and fun to play with, but glad we got to send him home the next day!
