
Friday, June 16, 2023

Week(s) in Review: VBS, Summer Camp, Sick Babies, and New Schedule

The past few weeks have been so busy they're almost a blur! I'll try to recap the highlights of the past two weeks if I can remember them!

VBS - Twists and Turns

I am the Vacation Bible School Director at our church (for the past three years), which always takes months of planning and hours of prepping, but this year I was also the preschool and kindergarten teacher! Last minute, our teacher for that age group had to have surgery. I couldn't find anyone else to take the spot, so I decided I could do it.

My mom came and helped me with Zoey. She sat in the nursery with her during our Bible Lesson time, and we took turns walking her around and watching her during the rotations!

Before VBS one morning in the car

Zeke was in my class and did so well. He had so much fun with the Bible lessons and games, danced and sang to the music, and enjoyed making crafts each day. I was so proud of him and so thrilled he had a blast. He said his favorite part was crafts and Bible lessons! We did a sink or float experiment one day (the story was Peter walked on water to Jesus) and I made them miniature wave in a bottle using baby oil and blue-dyed water in small bottles. It was a fun class with 10-11 kids each day!

He even held the Bible during the pledges at Family Night.

Summer Camp - Titus

Titus is at King's Camp this week. Rod dropped him off Sunday afternoon and we will pick him up Saturday around lunchtime. I'm sure he is having a great time - fishing, zip lining, baseball, swimming, canoeing, and archery are just a few of the options they have each day. It's so weird not seeing him every day! I miss him. He brings a different level of life to our household. Next week, Silas goes to camp, and then Mercie the next! Eli will be leaving for Nicaragua the end of the month for a month on a mission trip with my parents. And then Titus has 4-H Camp! It's going to be a busy month for the kids.

Mercie has been getting some driving practice around town since she starts Driver's Ed this weekend.

Sick Babies

Last week, Zeke was running fever and had a sore throat. I figured he had strep again, but his strep test was negative. They also did some bloodwork to check for mono, and thankfully that was negative, too. I guess he just had a virus - there seems to be one going around!
When he takes a nap, you know he's sick!

This week, Zoey is sick with the croup. I took her to the doctor Tuesday, and she's breathing better now, but she's still very grumpy. She has been sleeping on me off and on all day, and when she's not sleeping, she's alternating between being happy and being miserable. 

I'm seeing this face a lot.

New Schedule

We haven't put our new schedules into practice yet, but we're trying! Monday morning is definitely when I'll be starting the cleaning schedule and morning habits I talked about. Having sick kids and such a busy week last week has thrown me off a little. Plus we've been painting the kid's rooms and redecorating a few things, so I've been super busy every day. I'll be sharing about that soon!

Zeke loves playing games!

The summer temperatures are really starting to heat up. It's been so humid and hot the past few days, but we have gotten some much-needed rain for our corn and soybeans! Our crops are looking fantastic, so I'm praying that God will really bless our harvest.

Checking corn after church

Our garden is starting to produce as well! We've got some cucumbers and okra on the countertop now, waiting to be pickled (if I can ever get a free afternoon!). I have a new friend who does lots of canning and sent me a few recipes to try. I'm also going to have her over one day to really get me started with canning tomatoes!

How was your week?


  1. Ugh; my son was sick with some sort of virus last week too and missed 2 of the last 4 days of school (the ones with field day and honor society inductions). There just is never a good time for sick kids. It sounds like your kids are definitely keeping you busy this summer!

    1. There is definitely a virus running around our community because everyone is taking a turn being sick.
