
Monday, May 8, 2023

Pet Peeves

I noticed my blog friend Joanne was participating in a monthly Not Just a Mom link-up. It seems like fun, and I'm always happy for new blogging topics! I don't think I have too many pet peeves, but once I list them I may be surprised!


I don't know if this qualifies as a pet peeve or not, but clutter drives me crazy. Having seven kids, six still at home, and a husband who has a lot of stuff really makes it difficult to keep the clutter to a minimum. I really try to keep the clutter down and it's a full-time job. Having a large family means we have lots of things - shoes, clothes, toys, books, personal items. I do my best to organize things well, purge often, and only bring things into our home that we need. 

Sticky Floors

Again, not sure if this is a pet peeve, but I cannot stand sticky floors. I mop at least once a day, but usually two or three times. Between cooking and kids and homeschool projects and a preschooler who insists on fixing his own drinks and snacks, it seems there is always a sticky place on my floor. There is nothing worse to be walking barefoot and feel something sticky on the floor or walking in shoes and hearing the sticky stuff stick to your soles. 


Autocorrect on my phone does help me some when I am texting fast. But it always seems to autocorrect random words to even more random words. My nephew's name is Bryton, and it always tries to "correct" it to Neuron! Sometimes I spend more time correcting the autocorrect than typing the message. 

Running Out of Stuff

I hate running out of things we use on a regular basis - ketchup, toilet paper, coffee creamer, bread. I do my best to keep a few extra of those items, but I have overlooked the times I pulled the last ketchup bottle from the cabinet or when the kids open the last package of bread we have. 

Wasting Food

I cannot stand food waste. I try to make sure we eat all of our leftovers and that we consume food before it spoils. Seeing food get thrown out really upsets me, especially as we have so many underfed children in our area. I try to be a good steward of everything we are blessed to have, including an abundance of food. 

I really can't think of any other pet peeves I have! What is your worst pet peeve? Do you share any of mine? 


  1. Oh yes, many of these things drive me nuts too! The sticky floors (or in our house someone will drop an ice cube and leave it there since it's just water and I always seem to step in it when I'm in just my socks and it aggravates me to no end).

    1. I hate when my socks get wet from a melted ice cube!!

  2. Yes to all of these!!
    I hate clutter but it is never ending kids in the house and the autocorrect on my phone hates me.

    1. With kids, I have had to accept a certain amount of clutter for sure. Autocorrect is my worst enemy!

  3. I agree with all of these! I find that when I mop the floor, someone in my family will spill something sticky! So annoying!!

    1. Freshly mopped floors are a magnet for a spilled drink!

  4. Yes, I agree on these, especially the auto correct! I can never figure out why my phone thinks I should be using some strange random word when I clearly typed a very normal word. Very annoying!
