
Monday, July 11, 2022

Bible Blueprints - TOS Review

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Learning and knowing the Bible is important for our family. I not only want my children to read their Bibles, but I also want them to know what they're reading and why they're reading it. I want them to see how the entire Bible connects together to tell one story - the redemption story. When I was given the opportunity to review the Old and New Testament Bible Blueprints from Teach Sunday School, I was excited to add another tool to our toolbox of Bible study resources!

What are Bible Blueprints?

The Bible Blueprints are one-page outlines for each of the sixty-six books in the Bible. The outlines give you tons of information without overwhelming you. Let's take a look at the blueprint for Acts. At the very top of the page, the name of the book, order in the New Testament (5), number of chapters in the book (28), and type of book (history) are listed. This gives you a good idea of where in the Bible and history the events will be taking place, as well as what type category the book is in. 

Next is an overview of the book. This is just one paragraph touching base on why it was written, to whom, and for what purpose as well as a brief history of the author or time period. The date it was written, time period covered, and author are also stated in this section.

Finally there is an outline of the content of the entire book. For the book of Acts, this is divided into five sections -
  • The Ascension (chapter 1)
  • The Early Ministry of Peter (chapters 2-7)
  • The Expansion of the Church to Samaria and Judea (chapters 8-12)
  • Paul's Early Ministry Expanding Church Around the World (chapters (13-20)
  • Paul's Adventures in Arrests, Threats, and Travels (chapters 21-28)
Each of these sections has a short paragraph describing what happens in this portion of scripture. There are anywhere from one to six sections for each book of the Bible.

How Did We Use Bible Blueprints?

I printed out all sixty-six outline pages, slipped them into page protectors, and put them in a three-ring binder. This is a great way to keep these pages accessible and protected. They can't get wrinkled, torn, lost, or out of order this way! The binder is kept on our bookshelf, where my children and I can easily pull it down and use it when we need to. The pages were easy to print because while they do have color, the color is very minimal, and it doesn't use much ink. I appreciated how printer-friendly these outlines were! 

When we read through the Bible, I will have the boys study the outline for each book that we begin. It will be a great way to really understand the context of each book that we go through - for me and for them. 

What Did We Think of Bible Blueprints?

I love this product. I think it's a great resource to have on hand for your family's personal Bible study. It would also be something nice to have at church in your children, youth, and adult departments. I think the information they provide one each outline page is accurate, to the point, and easily understandable, even for children. Especially for some of the lesser-known and lesser-read books of the Bible (hello, Obadiah!), these blueprints are really handy. Did you know that the prophecy in the book of Obadiah was to the Edomites? I learned that this is one of the few instances where God speaks to another culture instead of to his chosen people, the Israelites. It is also a one-chapter book of the Bible! Having this information readily available is going to be very useful for our family's Bible study habits. This digital download is available at a very reasonable prince - $11.99 for all sixty-six outlines!

See what other Crew members thought of Teach Sunday School's Bible Blueprints by clicking the banner below!

Bible Overview

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