
Friday, June 5, 2020

Homeschool Highlights 6/1/20-6/5/20

Saturday we went on a picnic to the park with take out from What A Burger. The geese were honking like crazy trying to get us to share our food!

Saturday evening we went bowling again. We really had a great time! Eli and I both got strikes when the headpin was orange, and we won free game coupons to use during the week!
Sunday we went to church and it was so nice to go church as a family again! Afterwards we went and ate a restaurant called "Mama's Home Cooking" and it was so good! I think all of the kids got chicken fried steak and they all cleaned their plates!

That evening the manager of this campground told Rod and Eli he had an old basketball goal that Eli could use (he saw Eli dribbling down the road) so they put that up. Eli was so happy! Basketball is his favorite sport. He was the starting point guard for JV last year and will be this year, too, if we are able to play sports (because of the covid-19).

Monday we stopped by the Dollar General for a loaf of bread and a box of ice cream cookie sandwiches and headed to the duck pond. We ate our ice cream and walked around the pond, feeding the ducks the bread. The little ones had a blast doing this!

We also went by the library and picked up our summer reading packets and a few more books for the kids. They spent some time reading and listening to audio books that afternoon.

I also realized I was wearing different shoes - after I got back from the library, the store, and the park! In my defense they are the exact same shoe just in black and brown!

Tuesday we stayed at the camper all day. We sat outside and let Zeke and the boys play. The kids read books from the library. They worked in their Summer Learning Binders. We are reviewing literature guides from Progeny Press, so we worked on those. Mercie is reading "My Side of the Mountain", Titus read "A New Coat for Anna", and Silas is reading "The Minstrel in the Tower."
We are also reviewing a unit study about the Mayflower arriving at Cape Cod, and we did one of the lessons in that. I read the story and the kids took notes in the form of drawing. They enjoyed that!
Wednesday we ran to the HEB to get a few groceries. Mikaela cooked hamburgers and fried french fries for supper. We didn't do much else!

Thursday we had to run to Walmart, Tractor Supply and The Dollar Tree. The kids of course had to get horses, cows, or tractors. Zeke loved all of the toy tractors and wanted all of them! He only got one, though.

The new additions to the herd.
I'm working on making a new product called Tot School in a Box, which will be all the supplies and resources you need to do 7-10 activities with your toddler! We watched quite a bit of Dr.Quinn, Medicine Woman as well because it was so hot outside.

The kids worked in their Summer Learning Binders every day and read plenty of books. Mercie read 9 Baby-Sitter's Club graphic novels! Silas and Titus are both working on reading Big Nate books and listening to some audio books as well.

Zeke did Tot School this week. He loved using dot markers for his square worksheet and to make a colorful coat for Joseph. He also put pom poms around the outline of a square and used his Tot Learning Mats - Joseph's Colorful Coat - to help tell his Bible story. We read several books on colors and Joseph. He glued colored squares on the letter "C". He enjoyed a colorful trail mix - colored goldfish, mini M&Ms, and Fruit Loops. He counted Cheerios outside and enjoyed eating apple slices! It's been very hot here so we go outside in the morning and in the evening. He naps during the day and we do our schoolwork.

How was your week?

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  1. I love how much you are able to get out and about! It gives me hope for our future!! We did manage to get haircuts today and while we still can't eat in restaurants we did grab some curbside takeout on the way home and picked up books (again curbside) at our library. Small steps but in the right direction.

    1. It is nice to be able to get out and about. Very few people here wear a mask so it does feel almost normal.

  2. I am so jealous. Our open date for outdoor dining is pushed back to June 15. Who knows when our library will open? Bowling - yeah, right...probably November.

    1. There are some restaurants that do not have indoor dining yet, but most of them do. Our library and bowling alley is open but not the playgrounds, which is sort of crazy to me.
