
Friday, May 15, 2020

Homeschool Highlights 5/11/20 - 5/15/20

This was our first week of summer break! We tried to enjoy it as best we could being that Louisiana has started loosening restrictions on the stay at home order. On Sunday we went to my mom and dad's for Mother's Day. My dad grilled burgers, chicken and sausage, my mom made her special baked beans, and I brought a hashbrown casserole and brownies. We had a corn-hole tournament which was a lot of fun!
Zeke and Nana (my mom)

Mikaela, Mercie and Nana

Papa (my dad) taking the corn-hole tournament very seriously!

The kids got me some really great Mother's Day gifts - some more plants for my back porch, a bag full of my favorite candy, books, cards, and coupons for foot massages!

We had my sister's kids over for sleepovers. She has four kids, so we had the oldest over on Sunday night, the next oldest on Monday night, and the two youngest on Tuesday night. The kids all had a blast and were outside most of the time. The weather was warm enough to wear shorts, but not hot enough to break a sweat - perfect weather to me!

They devoured the entire pan of Mexican Casserole!

We worked in our garden, and everything is growing so well. We have been trying to weed one row each a day to keep the weeds minimal. I don't want to use any chemicals on it. I really like being in the garden. There's something peaceful about working the soil with your hands!
My first little tomatoes!!

My garden getting a slow rain

I printed out our Road Trip U.S.A. teacher's guide and put it in a binder. I still have to print our Jeopardy cards, state fact cards, and puzzles but I need card stock and more ink for that. I'm going to head to the store later to pick that up. I also need to print the boy's student worksheets and get those in binders.

I also finished writing and printed out Zeke's Tot School curriculum. I'm anxious to get started with him, simply because toddlers are so much fun! We may begin next week.

I've just about decided on curriculum for this coming school year. The only thing I'm still debating on is Mercie's history and science curriculum. She will be doing that independently this year, which is sort of bittersweet.

Next Tuesday, Mikaela has her gender reveal ultrasound! I'm so excited to find out if she is having a boy or girl. Leave a comment with your guess! The appointment is in the town an hour and a half away from our small town. We will leave right after her appointment and head to Austin, Texas, where Rod is working. We will stay with him for about three weeks and then come back for Mercie's orthodontist appointment and Mikaela's 20-week anatomy ultrasound, then we will head back to Texas for awhile.
Zeke loves to be read to!

My parents are going to tend to my garden while I'm gone, and Rod's dad and brother are going to take care of our dogs, cows, and horses. I hate to leave the garden, but we really miss being with Rod all the time. I know my dad will take good care of it for me!

The kids have been working in their Summer Learning Binders almost daily. Titus has been using Reading Kingdom, a review product, online, and Mercie is still using her Latin and Artistic Pursuits (review products). She loves both of them, so it's not a chore to her.
Silas working in his Summer Learning Binder on the back porch.

Zeke has enjoyed being outdoors all day long. He loves his water table, the slip and slide, his Cozy Coupe, and playing with rocks. Rod's mom brought him a little lawnmower that blows bubbles, and he has enjoyed pushing that around the yard!
Random shots from the week:
Watching it rain


Eating ice-cream at Nana's!

Mikaela was, too!

Silas learning to draw people from YouTube vidoes.

How as your week?

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  1. You folks must have found the fountain of youth down there! Your Momma does not look old enough to be your mom, and you don't look old enough to have teens.

    I'm guessing Mikaela is carrying a boy, but I'm hoping for a girl, grins.

    I'm glad you will all get to spend time with your husband in Tx. Being apart is hard on everyone! Safe travels!

  2. My mom's mother also has fantastic genes and looks so much younger than she is! I've always looked young. When I was younger, I hated looking so young, but now I love it!

    I also am hoping for a girl, but Mikaela is thinking it may be a boy! We have so many boys in our family!

  3. I couldn't possibly guess on gender (I was wrong with all three of my boys-- and we waited until delivery to find out!). But I'm sure you will all shower him/her with lots and lots of love. I hope you have a great time in Texas.

    1. I guessed right with all of mine except Zeke. I was so sure he was a girl! Texas has opened up much more than Louisiana has, so I do plan to do some shopping for the kids who need new clothes desperately!

  4. Hooray for summer break! Looks like you started off right. We were also able to spend Mother's Day with my parents. My in-laws have completely isolated themselves.

    I love Zeke in his water table. He's SO cute!

    I'm guessing and hoping for a girl. I forgot how much fun they were, and oh so sweet.

    Enjoy your time in Texas!

    1. I cannot imagine completely isolating from everyone, but I know there are many people who have to because of health concerns (like my aunt who has cancer). Girls are so much fun! Our family for sure needs more girls.
