
Friday, March 20, 2020

Tot School: Colors!

Zeke is 15 months old.

This week we had a color theme for Tot School. We kept it pretty simple this week, working around 15-30 minutes a day (spread out).

Zeke matched these color flashcards. I put two at a time in front of him and handed him one at a time to match them. He did very well! Then I placed all the cards in front him and helped him match colored blocks to each flashcard.

He loved doing this next craft. I used painters tape to tape down some contact paper. He placed squares of colored tissue paper on it. He loved the way the contact paper stuck to his fingers and hands! After he was finished, I put another piece of contact paper over it and cut out a rainbow shape.

He used dot markers to color a rainbow. He loves dot markers.

He played with his shape sorter. He can put all of the shapes in the correct holes, and he can do it fast!

He also enjoyed putting these colored pom-poms in this container. I cut an X in the lid (it's an old Puff container) so he could push them through.

We went outside and painted with watercolors. He loved the way the paint felt and kept putting his fingers in it! He did use the paintbrush and made this beautiful picture.

I love this picture!

He also put together puzzles.

He loves splashing in mud puddles, so we did that one day this week!


  1. fun times with a little one, and little does he know how much he is learning. :)

    1. And my older kids love to work with him and do his activities with him. It helps me and Zeke loves the time with his older kids.

  2. Fun Ideas! Mine also love Dot markers.
