
Monday, March 9, 2020

30 Days of Clean Challenge: Day 3

I have successfully cleaned out four problem areas in my house, but they were small areas. I really am pleased with the small victories! I knew it was time to tackle a big problem area - my closet.

My closet is huge; it's narrow and long. I have my desk in there so I can pay bills and scrapbook in there. I also keep the kids baby books there for easy access. My husband and I have our clothes and shoes, and Zeke keeps his dresser with his clothes and blankets in there. I had not really cleaned it much lately. I was hanging up my clean clothes but that's about it. It had gotten seriously messy and it was stressing me out. But the thought of cleaning it was a little overwhelming because Zeke is a pretty needy toddler right now. I did convince the kids to take him outside for a while so I could get a big head start on it.

The before - the lighting is terrible but you can see how it had gotten out of control.

Especially the baby's area! 

I moved his car seat and the tub of clothes he had outgrown to our shed outside (another project I need to get to!). I donated the brown nursing pillow and over half of the blankets in the basket on the top shelf. I also threw away the picture frame you see on the bottom left - it was broken. I organized his clothes better and donated a few outfits that he had outgrown.


after - I vacuumed the carpet, reorganized some things, threw some things away, and donated some things. 

I reorganized my desk and dusted it. It's still a bit cluttered, but it's much better than it was!

I even reorganized my shoes.

I was feeling pretty good about how clean my closet was that I decided to clean under my bed! Our bed is really big and really heavy. We bought it two years ago and I have never cleaned underneath it. It really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but it did need some serious cleaning. Instead of moving the bed, we took the mattresses off and cleaned it that way!

before - you can see the trash, dust, and other items.

after - nice and clean!

Then I decided to use the big fabric basket that I did have the baby's blankets in for something else. He has a ton of board books that I had in a basket, but the basket was overflowing! I put his books in the fabric basket and they fit much better with room for more books!

before - overflowing

after - room for more!

What have you cleaned lately?

Check out my other posts in my 30 Days of Clean Challenge!


  1. We emptied out my oldest son's room over the weekend so we could replace his flooring and it really prompted us to clean out and clear up any clutter.

    1. There is nothing like having to remove everything from a room to really motivate you to deep clean and declutter!

  2. Nice Job! I'm looking forward to getting some areas of our home dejunked very soon! It feels so good when I do, and it's overdue!

    1. Thank you! Some of these projects were long overdue! It does feel good to have them completed.
