
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Titus and the No Good Very Bad Morning

We have had a long weekend and week so far! Titus, my 7 year old, started off Friday by going to doctor and receiving a diagnosis of bronchitis. He started an antibiotic, an oral steroid, and breathing treatments.
He was taking a breathing treatment.
His bronchitis has not gotten any better. He was awake most of the night last night with a terrible earache. He was crying and rolling around the bed in pain. I gave him so Tylenol, but it didn't help his pain much at all. I called the doctor first thing this morning and they got him in at 9:45. He has a horrible ear infection. The doctor was a bit perplexed because he has been on a strong antibiotic since Friday and hasn't missed a dose, which makes it strange that he got an ear infection. When she checked his ears Friday, they looked fine. So he had a fun morning with a finger prick which showed elevated white blood cell count of 11.2, a fun flu test which was negative, a Rocephin shot to hopefully help his ear infection quickly, and a chest X-ray at the hospital to make sure he doesn't have pneumonia. He absolutely hated the shot as Rocephin shots are pretty painful. He was exhausted by the time we left the hospital and is now sleeping on the couch. I sure hope he gets to feel better soon!
When he found out he had to have a shot...
He fell asleep on the way home.
On a side note, Silas went to the doctor Monday and was diagnosed with bronchitis as well, and Zeke went in because he was running 103 fever, but they said it was a viral infection. Zeke has started coughing the past day or two, so I really hope he doesn't catch the bronchitis from his brothers.

Silly selfies in the doctor's office Friday

I was thankful my mom came and sat with Zeke, Silas and Mercie this morning so I didn't have to bring them to the germ-infested doctor and hospital. She also made sure they finished their math, language arts, and novel studies this morning. It's always nice to make sure we don't get behind in the core subjects. We can make up geography and science much easier!

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  1. I am so sorry to hear all of this; I hope they are all feeling better real soon! (and that it doesn't spread to anyone else either)

  2. Oh, wow...your house was sure hit with a bug. Praying everyone feels better soon and no one else gets sick.
