
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Homeschool Highlights: 2/2/20-2/7/20

This week, Mercie turned 12! She celebrated her birthday by going out to lunch with Nana and Papa (my parents). Then she came back home for caramel cake and ice-cream and presents!

She loves stuffed animals, especially big ones, so I bought her this huge octopus!

She also received some clothes and the Crocs she was asking for.

This week, we "traveled" to Brazil in geography. Here is a bit of what we did:


We also began learning about invertebrates starting with insects. We made these model insects. Here is some of our science this week.

Rod and I went to dinner with friends and came back to the house and played Rummikub. It was our first time playing and we loved it so much, I'm ordering it from Amazon!
Image result for rummikub large tiles
Zeke went to the doctor and had two ear infections and a sinus infection. He weighed 26 pounds!  He did his school work this week, but I didn't get many pictures. He played with the Magformers almost daily!

We spent a lot of time outside this week because we had some unseasonably warm weather. Zeke loved getting in the mud and water! We have had tons of rain the past few weeks, so everything is quite muddy around our house.

What we're reading:
Mercie is reading Holes, Silas finished Because of Winn-Dixie and Titus read Nate the Great and  Nate the Great Goes Undercover.
Linking up with:
Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. Happy Birthday to Mercie! My younger two boys love stuffed animals too and would love an octopus like that. We played Rummikub once with my mother in law and then went on Amazon that very night to purchase our own game. It was so much fun.

    1. Thank you! I got the octopus at Walmart with the Valentine stuffed animals.

  2. rather cool Octopus... I would have enjoyed as a kiddo as well. Those insects are rather cool!

  3. Those insects you guys created are really cool! Caramel cake sounds yummy!

    1. Thanks! The cake was delicious. Caramel cake is one of our favorites.

  4. What exciting things you have going on with your family!
