
Friday, January 17, 2020

Week in Review - 1/13/20 to 1/17/20

I haven't done a week-in-review post in so long! I hope I can remember how to do them, ha!

We "traveled" to North America in geography this week, beginning with Mexico. We learned some interesting facts about Mexico, did some mapping activities, colored the flag, and practiced some Spanish words. We also learned the colors in Spanish. The kids make a postcard for each country every week. We also made Atzec suns with air-dry clay, paper bag maracas, and drew sombreros using a YouTube tutorial. We ate tacos on Sunday after church. I planned to go out and eat Mexican food, but it didn't happen this week.

In science, we learned all about fish! The kids learned how fish breathe, the difference in bony fish and cartilaginous fish, and the different types of fins. They cut fins out of construction paper and glued them to a fish and drew and described the different fins.

We completed week two in Bible Road Trip, Year One, including three notebook pages. We memorized John 1:17 and reviewed 2 Timothy 3:16-17 from last week. We read Acts 25-26 and Luke 23-24.

Titus learned about fractions this week and played with our "Fraction Action" game. Mercie learned how to multiply and divide decimal numbers, and Silas reviewed multiplication and division facts.

We had our homeschool group's 4H meeting on Monday, and Mercie and Silas each gave a short presentation. Each officer takes one meeting to provide a guest speaker or do their own presentation. Mercie and Silas are both officers, so we had two meetings to supply! My mom came in November and spoke about her and my dad's mission trips to Nicaragua. (They are full-time missionaries.) This month, Mercie gave a presentation on the horseman of the Apocalypse and Silas gave one on the temptations of Jesus. They did a great job!

Wednesday we had TeamKID at our church. I'm the director and I also teach the Bible lesson each week. This week we talked about the importance of the Bible, and our memory verse was 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (which was our memory verse last week in Bible Road Trip).

I always love doing this week-in-review posts because it's so nice to see how much we actually do each week! We are finished with schoolwork by lunch almost every day, so it's easy to think we aren't doing "enough". These posts always remind me that we are doing plenty!

How was your week?


  1. We're usually finished up by lunchtime too and I always wonder if we're doing enough also. Sounds like a great week.

    1. It was a great week. I don't know why I sometimes worry!
