
Monday, January 20, 2020

Reading Through the Alphabet Link Up

I have seen several different reading challenges starting this month, and I decided to start my own and make it a link-up! I love link-ups.

This reading challenge is called "Reading Through the Alphabet", and, you guessed it, you will link up books you read that begin with each letter of the alphabet. I'm going to go in order, from A to Z, and you can add any type of book you read. I'm going to do picture books, but you can do any genre you would like to or even a mix!

I do ask that you add my button to your page and link back to my page. We will begin this Thursday with the link-up, and each link-up will last from Thursday to the following Wednesday.

Let's get started!!


  1. I have done reading through the alphabet before-- is it OK for me to link up older posts?
